1 minute read
A Cornblnatlon Tlrat Stlmulates Sales
The SUPERIOR STRENGTH and VATERPROOF QUALITIES imparted to concrete and phster, through the use of Monolith Vaterproof Cement, ate facts that have been proven and ar.e genenlly accepted by builders.
Keeping the product constantly before the public and the trade, through the companyts sales and advertising effort, sustains the high reputation which Monolith Waterproof already has.
Building material dealers who handle Monolith Vaterproof Cement know they are selling a standard quality product-one for which ac' ceptance has been created, and is being constant. ly maintained, through the Company's aggressive sales promotion program. Th"y find Monolith easier to sell because it is a KNOWN
P R O D U C T. If you have never stocked Monolith, it will pay you to investigate.
Clint Laughlin to Represent Kirby Lumber Co.
BROWN'S SUPERCEDAR cloret-lining burinecr is GOOD.
Have you forelcen thir gred dcmrnd with a rtock or have you been left at the port? Put in a rtoak of BROWN'S SUPERCEDAR doret-lining and