3 minute read
Aek Harry H. McCern
31O Central Bldg. - TRinity 1057 - Lor Angeler
Southern-HARDWOODS-Soutfi e rn
Oak Flooring and Maple Flooring ll09 Fitrt National Bank Building
Telephone Douglar 9117
IBR C().
We Want to Sell Your Wectcrn f.umber in Tc:rer. Open to a Firrt Clar Account. DEIYEY.B()IYIR
Annual Meeting to Feature Trade and Grade-Marking and Lumber Statistics Program
Completion of plans for its trade and grade-marking program, now well under way, and action to put into efiect an extended statistical program to give complete lumber supply and demand service will be the trvo major consid,crations before the twenty-seventh annual convention of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Congress Hotel, Chicago, April 24, 25 and 26.
Tentative plans call for a strictly business meeting with two ge-neral. and one executive session. Wednesday, April 24, will be devoted to the meeting of the Trade Extensi,on, Inter-Insurance Exchange Advisory, Nominations and Recommendations Committees.
The morning session of the Thursday, April 25, meeting will be occupied by the Committee on Resolutions meeting, a breakfast and the Trade Extension general conference, at which time reports of the Trade Extension Committee and Trade Extension staff will be received. The afternoon's executive session will include meeting of stockl.rolders, election of directors, meeting of directors and delegates, address of the president, report of the secretarymanager, reports of standing committees, and a meeting of the board of directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Credit Corporation.
The morning meeting of the Friday, April 26, session will be devoted to discussion and action on an extended statistical program for the association which will provide data on lumber supply and demand. A second Trade Extension conference with a report on specialized services will conclude the business of the convention on Friday afternoon.
Economics In One Stanza
The crying task for every human race Is so to plan their, children's earthly way That opportunity and work and play Are as the air of heaven, a commonplace Granted by right of birth and not By act of grace.
-By Eden Phillpotts.)
Modern Hunting
Two little urchins stood with their noses pressed against a barber shop window, watching the white-coated attendants perform their mysterious rites.
"Gee, Mickby, look at that one !" said one, pointing to a barber who was wielding a singeing taper: "He's lookin' for 'em with a light."
"How old are you?" inquired the visitor little son.
To Some One
I saw your beauty, and my pulse stopped still' Almost I spoke, but something seemed to say, "Some better moment' on some later day-" But that was years ago, And-never will My moment come-I know-and I am glad. The You I saw still kindles some desire; But time has turned his damper on my fireAnd You are not the You you were-Ah, had I spoken then !-But I'm no longer young, And should I find you now still fresh and fair, My rashness has grown cold. I should not dare Chance the rebuff. And I should hold my tongueThe energy involved is happier spent On dining-and the result more permanent.
-John V. A.'Weaver.
SHE KNEW HER GANG of the host's "Wnt, my dear man, I wouldn't cash a check for my own brother !"
"That is a difficult question," answered the young man, removing his spectacles and wiping them reflectively. "The latest personal survey available shows my psychological age to be twelve, my normal age four, my anatomical age seveR, and. my physiological age six. I suppose, however, that you refer to my chronological age, which is eight. That is so old fashioned that I seldom think of it any more.
The Executive
A valuable executive must possess a willingness and ability to assume responsibility, a fair knowledge of his particular branch of business, and a nice understanding of business principles in general; also to be able to read and understand human nature. There is no phase of knowledge which anyone can safely dismiss as valueless.-Charles Cheney.
"Well, of course you know your family better than I do."
Much of the talk about the sins of the younger generation may be credited to the envy of the older generation. The man who has lost his fortune is inclined to be critical of successful capitalists.-Tom Dreier.
An Oklahoma woman named her twin daughters Gasoline and Kerosene.
The old man's name is probably Pete Roleum. Here's hoping they grow up a parafine girls. We want them refined; not crude.
Had they been boys one of them would probably be named Ben Zine.

High Early Strength
Urtusuol Bonding Workability