1 minute read


Butwill this beauty

endtne ?

n NLY enduring beauly is true beauty. This is true Lf of stucco work as well as anything else. Due to the perf ect combination of high early srength, plasticity, unusual bonding, and water-proofness, Victor Hydro' Plastic produces an admirable fineness of grain and uniformity of texture-eminently plgasing. All of its many remarkable properties exist side by side without in the least detracting from each other.

ft is attractive in the different shades-unusually plastic, easily workable and gready resistant to the destructive effects of water and oil-buq most important of all, Vic' rcr Hydro-Plastic insures durability and permanenclasting satisfaction.

Yes, the beauty of Victor Hyilro-Plastic is enduring Beauty! Small wonder, then, that Victor Hydro-Plastic is more and more being specified for homes of true beauty and charm.

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