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Cabinet Made Doors of Distinetive Deslgn and Character executed in beautif"Uy grained AGAC
Ffere are doors of unusual beauty!
Made of beautiful BAGAC .. the peer of all hardwoods Bagac cabinet made doors offer the lumber dealer a line of stock doors designed by a famous architect . . . and constructed with all the care and skill of the expert cabinetmaker.
Bagac cabinet made doors are not to be confused with the ordinary type of mill-made stock doors. For they are both architecturally correct in design and accurate in workmanship. Hence they enable the dealer to offera door of character and individuality at a moderate price.
Bagac cabinet made doors are available in a wide variety of distinctive designs. Mouldings are interchangeable affording an unlimited opportunity to provide doors to meet specialized requirements.
Bagac cabinet made doors will be a profit maker for hundreds of dealers, everywhere. A postal card will bring a complete catalog of designs and sizes for interior, exterior and French doors.
Bagac, together uith Bataan anil Lamao are produceil bg us on our oan timber concessions in the Philippine Islanils.