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"ffi**i THE CALIFOR).IIA ;:",ffi;ffi
A.M.TH.ACKABERRY v .r.7'r ryi -. -r,-A-Telephoe DArenport t??t Ci*'r"U* M.""S;_-_ LUMBE R ME RCHANT o. ". *-liro* .a,a,"*i.i,g na*"i*
3r&re-20 ceglnl Buitdlnjr,'iot lir"it*J*lii 3_ii"!il-6. Angetec, cat., Tetephone, vAndike 1565 Houcton' Texar go\EE Ndtbern calif- Entered u Scmd-cls matter S€ptembar u, Igu, 'at tUi pcfoffte'at md Paetfic Norrlwert LJrg"i"", c"irli"idililJi-.Aca;f M;;[ tite.----:
Incoporated under the laws of Calilomia Southern Officc lt .1. Dl aar. J. C. Dioue' Prer. and Treaa.; J. E, Mudn, Vie-Pres.; A. C. Merryma, Jn, Secv. 2nd Nattonal Bak Bldg. W. T. BLACK Dioue, Vie-pres.; t Publidrcd thc lst and 15th of each mta at -'.y*fr*-.r subr-cription Price, $Z'lD pc-r Year I os aNctrI trs ..al apFrII | 4 ro?n Advertiring Ratcr St"tb-6;;t",;
Los ANGELES, cAL., APRIL 15, 1930 orApprication
How Lumber Looks
Douglae Fir.-A alight decreare in production of lumber and an increare in new businers received is shorvn in the reports received by the West Coast Lumberrnen's AsEociation from 213 millls in the Dougla^r fir region of Oregon, Washington and Britieh Columbia for the week ending March 29.
Qrders reported by the 213 millr for the week ending March 29 increased approximately 3TOOOTOOO feet over nerv buriness received in the week endingMarch ZZ. Production dercreaeed during the week, beint about lrfr)O,OOO feet' below the output for the previous week.
Production, oiders and shipmcnts at these 213 mills for the-w_eek ending March 29 were reported to the Auociation ar follows: Production 1871917,544 feet; Orderr 1G5r132,961 feet; Shipments 178,766,734 feet. 'Orderr were'12.12 per_ cen! under production and' shipments 4.88 per cent under th9 output. Details of the brders as reported by there milb follor,vs: Rail 60,8001377 terrli Domestic Cargo 6417351119 feet; Export 28,139,679 feet; Local llr4$i,- 786 feet.
The general rituation in the California market d'oes not rhow very much change. There ir a fair volume of burineca and rome improvement in the demand but prices remain about the sarne and continue unprofitable.
_ Cargo arrivalr at San Pedro continues light-arivals at $is port for the month of March totaled 6f,688,000 feet. Unsold stocks at San Pedro on A,pril g totaied 9rO48rOOO feet a decrease of nearly a rnillion feet from the previous week 38 veesels in the California service are tied up and one ve$el is operating off shore.
Redwood. The market has rhown no change in the part thirty days. The demand ic fair and prices are about-the same. Cargo arrivals at San Pedro for the month of March totaled 4r949,fi)O feet. For the week ending March 29, the California Redwood Asrociation reported production from 14 mills at 7,939,OO0 feet, shipments 6,600,000 fe€t and orders 6,596,OOO feet.
California White and Sugar Pine. Ordera and ehipmentr continue ahead of production. A fair volurne of business ir reported and prices continue rteady. Some itenu at the mills are scarce. For the week ending March 29, the Cali, fornia White and Sugar Pine Manufacturen Arsociation reported production from 17 mills at 9r188r(X)O feet, ahipments 13,972,OOO feet and orders 12,567r(XX) feet.
Los Angeles buildirrg permits for the month of March led $7,045,(XX). while the San Francirco D€rmit! for the totaled $7,045,(X)O, the permitr mont'h amounted to $3,5O2,312.
The current relationship of rhipments and orden to production for the firrt ttirteen weeks of 193O endins March 29 based on reports from the regional asrociatiom to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, ic as followt:
West Coast Lumberrnen's Aagociatiql-p16,{gsliss tr994,381 M feet; Shipments 1,876,687 M feet; Orderl 1,903,147 M feet.
California White and Sugar Pine Arcocialisra-p1e{6. tion 1O1,906 M feet; Shipments 261,621 M feet; Orden 254,917 M feet.
California Red'wood l3secialien-Production 1031046 M feet; Shipments 871224 M feet; Orders 92,408 M feet
Southern Pine Association-Production 779,210 M feet; Shipments 726,348 M feet; Ordenr 747,432 M feet.
Total Hardwoodr-Production 5511946 M feet;, Shipments 458,286 M feet; Orderr 48Or7lO M feet.
Arizona Lumbermen to Meet Lumbermen's Clubs to Meet at at Douglas May 9-10-11 Sacramento A:pril 26
The thirteenth annual convention of the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona will be held at Douglas, Arizona, on May 9, 10 and 11 with headquarters at the Gadsden Hotel. Arrangements are being completed for an interesting program. Albert W. Sta,cy, vicegerent snark of the Border District, is planning for a concatenation and it is expected that a large class of Kittens will be ini,tiated.
The matter of hotel reservations is of importance and E. H. Wheat, secretary.-treasurer of the Arizona Lumberrnen's Club, states that reservations can be made through his office, 223Home Builders Building, Phoenix, or directly with the Gadsden Hotel.
The meeting of the Northern Counties and Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Clubs which was scheduled for Saturday, April 19, at Sacramento, has been changed to Saturday, April 26. This ,change was made because the U. of C. Davis Farm annual picnic will be held on April 19 and many of the lumbermen will attend this annual event.
This rvill be the annual meeting of the Northern Counties Club and among the business matters to ,come before the meeting will be the annual election of officers.
The program for the meeting will be as follows: 8:30 a.m., executive committee; 10:00 a.m., Northern Counties Club meeting; L?:30 p.m., Sacramento Valley Club luncheon.