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Va$abond Editorials
(Continued from Page 6)
Up to a very few years ago most of the Fir lumber manufactured in the Pacific Northwest was dressed green. Today, with the exception of stock coming to California, very little lumber is treated ir1 that way. The rest of the world won't have it. The mills have learned to season their lumber, than dress it, and ship it bright. They had to do that to meet the competition of other woods, and supply the needs of ,people who have been taught that lumber must be seasoned for practically all building purposes.
O. H. Barr, highly respected retailer of Santa Ana, California, in addressing a meeting of lurnber and building men recently, remarked that if "the lumber industry had followed more closely the merchandising advice of The California Lumber Merchant it would be a great deal better off." Thanks. It sure is hard to get even the mqst intelligent retailers to get out of the rut. But we keep right on trying, always have, always will.
Pays to Own Your Own Real Prominent Retail Lumberman Estate
Twenty-seven years ago, Mr. J. G. Ganahl, then manager of the C. Ganahl Lumber Company, and W.F. Montgomery, who at that time was manag'er of the Montgomery & Mullin Lumber Co., pur,chased three acres of land-I92 feet on Sania lVlonica -Boulevard by 600 feet on Seward Street-for $3,000 and established the Hollywood Lumber Company. They operated the Hollywood Lumber Company under their joint ownership for several years, after which the C. Ganahl Lumber Company disposed of their interest to Montgomery & Mullin who have operated the yard up to the present time.
Dtrring the past sixty days, the Hollywood Lumber Company has sold 100 feet on Seward Street to Gauthier & Hutchins Co. for $30,000 and has leased the Santa Monica frontage on a basis of $600 per front foot and are ere,cting three buildings that will yield upward of $250,000 during a 'term of ten and fifteen years and still retain enough ground to operate the lumber yard.