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The Caterpillar Tractor in Modern Lumber Yard Operation
The steadily growing need and demand for increased efficiency in the handling of lumber in large lumber yards, brings into play continually, new methods and modernized equipment never thought of a few years ago.
Witness this scene in the great lumber yard of The Coos Bay Lumber Company, at Bay Point, Calif. This shows a Caterpillar tractor at work. In this particular instance this Cat is equipped with armored front and is pushing 30 cars of lumber weighing 105 tons, and handling the load with ease, speed and efiiciency.
This is a small Caterpillar "Ten" which does great work in this big Coos Bay yard, this concern having come to depend upon these tractors for the economical and efficient handling and distribution of their great output of lumber. Rubber tracks are used on these tractors, as shown, so as to do no damage to the wooden runways. These are especially adapted and constructed for lumber yard use.
Hugh Rieff Injured In Automobile Accident
Hugh Rieff, district sales manager of the Sampson Company, is confined to the Physicians and Surgeons Hospital at Glendale, Calif., as the result of an automobile accident on March 29. He suffered a severe concussion of the brain.
Henry C. Yawn, Jr., of the Pearl River Valley Lumber Company, Canton, Miss., recently spent several rveeks in Los Angeles looking over the hardwood situation here.
F. E. Robbins, manager of the retail yards of the White River Lumber Company, Enumclaw, Washington, has returned to his headquarters after spending a fortnight in Los Angeles.
Whiteside Lumber Company Changes Office
The office of the Whiteside Lumber Company, Los Angeles, which was formerly located in room 4S5-ot the Petroleum Securities Building, is now in room 331 of the same building.
George Jones of the George W. Jones Lumber Co., Walnut Creek, is back at work after a week's illness.
Removal Of Offices
The Pacific Rockwood Co. and the Rockwood Sprinkler Co. have announced the removal of their offices to the Builders Exchange Building, Seventh at Los Angeles It-r,egts, Los Angeles. Their telephone number is TRinity 1057.
7O5-7OG Rives-Strong Buildins - Los Angeles Telephone TUcker 8733