2 minute read
There is a decided swing towards Wood for the Interior. Architect, contractor and homeowner are showing increased interest in inter.
ior settings enhanced in colorings of hardwoods.
Beauty By The Rich
Are you taking full advantage of this preference? source of supply in this class of These stocks include Philippine hardwoods, mahogany from Central America, teak from Siam, oak from the Southern States . . . neady every variety of Hardwood for home-building or commercial purpose. There is the usual Hammond Service back of these stocks.
Vith over fifty varieties of foreign and domestic Flardwoods, always in stock at our Los Angeles ytd, the retail lumber dealer has an immediate lumber.
Douglas Fir - Redwood - Hardwoods
/ W. T. Dirlesch, for the past six years Managing Director of the Millwork Institute of California, announced his resignation on IVIarch 31, which became efiective on that date. President A. W. Bernhaupr has arranged that Mr. Didesch continue with the organlzation as Acling Manag- ing Director until May 1, 1930,t or thereabouts-so as io permit the completion of several;j rernaining details of the certification program and the disposal of ,ceitain field work and routine administrative mattehs. There will be a spe- cial meeting of the Institute Difectorate within the next several weeks at which time ther matter of Mr. Didesch's successor will be decided upon. I
In announcing his resignation to the lhstitute membership, Mr. Didesch said:
"The present is the seventh year of the Institute's life. Its program is clearly defined and securely established upon constructive and progressive enterprises and its achievements have attained for it an enviable position both in the millwork industry of the Nation and thi association field of the State. With the same measur€ of support accorded the program as during my administration, the future of the Institute is assured. There is ewry promise of expansion, and still greater a,ccomplishment, to amply compensate all members for their sustained and enthusiastic support."
Announcement of Mr. Didesch's future plans, which at the present time are indefinite, will be made later.
L. A. Morrison, California representative of the Eastern & Western Lumber Co., Portland, Ore., left San Francisco April 5 to spend the next three or four months at the company's lome office in Portland, where he will take the place of K. H. I(oehler, manag'er, who has left with his family for a trip to Europe.
Mr. Morrison's brother, E. R. Morrison, who has been in charge of city sales in the Portland office, will take his place in the San Francisco office.
Fred Holmes In Southern California
Fred V. I{olmes, sales manager of the Holmes-Eureka T umber Co., is on a two weeks' business trip in Southern California. He is accompanied by W. H. Dalton of Eureka, purchasing agent for the company.
^ J.- P. McGoldrick of the McGoldrick Lumber Company, Spokane, has been spending the past several weeks iri Los Angeles.