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The Specralty Wood with a future €
Mixed cars now available, all grades of clear, shop and common-ind all standard siies of boards, dimensions and timbers. Also Port Orford Cedar plywood in all thicknesses from 1} fnih and sizcs up to 48 x 96 inches.
Port Orford Crdar representatives in California are R. C. Turner, 4O7 C^ll Building, San Francisco and Thomas W. Dant, 606 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Anqeles. Port Orford Cedar plywood distributors in California ari H. B. Maris Panel Co., 735 Third Strcct, San Francisco, and the California Panel & Venecr Co., 955 So. Alameda Street, Los Angeles.
Thc story of Port Orford Crdar, its steding lualities and varied uses, is dramaiicaily told in our 48 page illustrated booklet. The coupon brings your copy. Mail it today.