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Are you getting your share PIONEER f[IULS will ta ke you into
IONEER EMULSIFIED ASPHALT isa product you can sell to every job of roof repairing because it will give your customers the utmost in protection and economy!
Here are the reasons why: In the past, the problem of repairing or recoating roofing presented real, serious difficulties. Ordinary roofing plastics and paints made from a coal tar base, soften under heat of the sun. resulting in failure of the roof coating and ultimate disintegration of the roof itself. Hot bituminous applications prove equally inefficient as cracking and checking soon occur, exposing the roof to the dangers of weather erosion and wear. Too, the hazard of firewith serious burns to workmen was an ever present danger during the application of hot materials.
Pioneer Emu lsif ied Aspha I t does away with these highly objectionable characteristics. Pioneer Emulsified Asphalt is a