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N. L.M. A. to Hold Annual Meetin$ at Chicrgo, April 24-2,5
The National Lumber Manufacturers Association will holds it annual meeting on the 24th and 25th of. April, and attendant and subsidiary meetings will round out the week and take up part of the preceding week. The meetings will be held at the Congress Hotel, Chicago.
Committee Meetings
The Regional Association will designate representatives to appear at the Technical Advisory Committee meeting, set for April 16 to 19. During the early part of the week of the 21st, other committees will meet, including the National Lumber Manufacturers Inter-Insurance Exchange Committee. The morning of the 23rd has been arranged for the Committee on Nominations and Recommendations.
The Public Meeting
The general meeting on the 24th has been divided into four sessions-af fgn, two, four and seven o'clock. The morning will be given to trade extension. Recommendations of the Trade Extension Committee will be received and the delegates will hear the report of W.F. Shaw, Trade Extension Manager and Theo. M. Knappen, Director of Publicity. There will be short talks in their respective fields by the chairmen-Messrs. Carl Hamilton, A. C. Dixon, W. T. Murray and C. Arthur Bruce, of the Advisory Sub-Committees on Advertising, Publicity, Trade Promotion and Research, respectively; and probably some extemporaneous talks by lumber leaders. The address of the President, E. L. Carpenter, and the report of the Secretary-
Manager, Wilson Compton, in the afternoon, will be followed by the report on Lumber Marketing and Statistical Program, Recommendations on Trade Practices and report of the Committee on Resolutions.
Bureau Reports
Of especial trade extension interest will be reports to the Trade Extension Committee from the joint committees representing cooperative promotion between the Wood Box, Treated Wood, Commercial Furniture Bureaus and the N. L. M. A.
Prominent business leaders and the famous humorist, Strickland Gillilan, will be on the program at the annual dinner, Thursday evening, April 24. Friday will be devoted entirely to a meeting of the Stockholders for election of Directors. The Directors' meeting will .immediately follow for annual election of officers and Committee Chairmen, and consideration will be given to policies and program of work of the industry, finances, reports and iecommendations of Standing Committees and progress of Home Financing plans. During the afternoon there will be a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Credit Corporation.
An informal dinner to the editors and publishers of the Lumber Trade Press will be held on the evening of April 23.
a Hoo-Hoo Confor delegates and "Alwayt wall above Specifications" Capacity 41500,000 Sackt pet yeal Cataveras Ccment Co. 315 Montgomcry St., San Francisco, Calif. Tclephone Davgnport 0932