1 minute read
l.Pobco Multi.Service Point is mode by o revolutionizing process occording to o spe. ciol sccret formulo. No other poinf in lhe world is like Pobco.
2, Unlike olhcr points, lhe some Pobco Mulil -Service Point will givc perfecl results on wood, metol, brick stucco, slonc,conclete...qny pointoble surfoce.. ouf. doors or indoors.
3. Pobco Multi-Service Point hos been lhoroughly tested for over nine yeors. With evcry con we give o prinled unconditionol guoron. tee. We outhorize you fo offer your customers unquolifi ed sotisfoclion.
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With these five big selling points ond our extensive odvertising, it's no wonder Pabco Multi-Service Point, Vornish ond Enomel oJmost sell themselves.
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