1 minute read
Alone With Nature
I wandered thru the forest Upon a summer's day, Believing that no other Had ever fared that way. "I'm all alone with Nature !" I cried with heart athrill, And then thru tangled underbrush I climbed the fragrant hill.
I paused upon the summit And felt my heart expand, For peace and silence hovered O'er all the sunlit land. The summer br€ezes passing Sighed softly through the pines, No sounds of toil were wafted From highways, farms, or mines.
And so, alone rvith Nature I sat me down to rest, 'Til sunset's crimson splendor Illumed the cloud-hung west. "f thank Thee, God," I murmured, "Our God, our Father's God, Thou hast planted verdant banners Where 'human foot ne're trod !"
In ecstacy of spirit
I rose to bless the hillsAnd on the ro'ck beside me, Read, "Take Shawn's Liver Pills."
-Adeline M. Conner.
Redwood Manufacturers' and Retailers' Committees Meet atMerced
Committees representing the manufacturers of Redwood and the California Retail Lumbermen's Association met at Merced for discussions of mutual problems, on Saturday, April 5.
First prize in the golf tournament which followed the qeeting w?s won by Henry Faull, sales manager of the Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco. Mr. Faul-l also won the tournament held at the conclusion of the last meeting at Santa Craz in March.
Louis Heath
Louis Heath, former manager of Lumber Company, Pasadena, died gestion.
h[, tr,t adaertised in tbe
Westts oun home rnagazine Srrnsct
TO MAKE MORE SATES FOR ?eerless Dealers
\V'HEN the April issue of .Saflsct wenr-- on March 20th, into nearly 2OOTOOO homes throughout the'S7'est, it carried into those homes a full-page advertisement, in four colors" telling the advantages of hrnr.uss the Wm. J. Bettingen April 4 of acute indi-
Built-in Furniture... how it makes old kitchens new and modern quickly, easily and inexpensively.
This was only the first advertisement in a year's campaign to make more sales for Prrnuss dealers. ..to create consumer demand that will put more Prrnrrss fixtures into kitchens, old and neut!
Lumber merchants who are Prrnr^uss dealers will profit from this advertising, gaining m.ore of the bigger ptofits which theprrnrrss line provides. ' Yet this advertising is only one way in which PunREss co-operateswith dealers. Let as s ltout you nouhowthese bigger profits can be yours...this year! A note on your letter head or business card will bring full information.