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Statement of all California Bld g.-Loan Associations
l3uilding and Loan Commissioner H. I-. Carnahan has cornpiled a composite statement of condition of all CaliforT-i.a. building and loan associations as of January l, 1931. This is the first time such a statement has-ever been available and offers an unusual opportunity for investors and others interested in these financial inititutious to gain a broad vien' of this half billion dollar business. according to the California Building-Loan League. rvhich recentl-r. riIeased the report.
Considering the 2@ associations of the state as one giant corporation, the cash item amounts to nearlr, $20 000-,000, and bonds approved by the Commissioner io more than $15.000,000, making a total of cash and readily marketable bonds of about $35.000,000, or 8.87" of the investment certificate liabilitv of g+g6.5tt.ttt. Certificates of other associations ancl accrued assets account for another $7,000,000.
Combined loans of California associations total $441,797,- 883. These institutions have 96,301,565 invested in their orvn office quarters, furniture ancl fixtures.
^ Guarantee capital .stock and surplus aggregate $33.000,- 000, or more than 8% of the investment ceitificate liability. Reserve ancl unclivided pro6ts of mutrral associations aie listed at $4,m0,000. and iull paicl and installrnent shares at $17.427.623.
The follou'ing table is a statement o{ conditior.rs of all California associations at the opening of the 1'ear: Assets