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Experienced Lumberman Specializing In Industrial And Wholesale Sales Wishes Connection

Practical Lumberman with experience, saw mill to consumer in hardwoods, White and Sugar Pine, am now and have been specializing in Industrial and Wholesale sales in Los Angeles and Southern California for nuinber of years' Would be interested in position a's sales director or promotion work for well ratbd lumber ,company contemplating the establishment of an Industrial department. My knowledge of sour,ces of supply, together with my clientele would be invaluable to the right party. Address E. M., Box C-377, California Lumber Merchant.

Wants Position

Lumberman with experience in Sales-BookkeepingAccounting-Credits-Collections-Etc., open for position. 7 years' experience with Southern California retail and wholesale hardwood firm. Good knowledge of Sugar and White Pine, Hardwoods and Fir Panels. Age 36. Can furnish references. Address Box C-381. Cal'ifornia Lumber Merchant.


Of The California Lumber Merchant, published Semi-monthly at Los Angeles, California, for April 1, 1931, Statc of Californra I Eii,iti'ot-iii'.?iigele", l

Belore mc, a Notary Public in and lor thc 9tate and county sfoscsaid, -pcrsonally appcared J. E. Martin, who, having beeu duly sw.orn according to law, deposcs and says that he is thc ManagiaS Editor of The California Lumber Merchant, and that the follouing is, to the best of his knowledge and bclicf, a true statemcnt of the omcrship, mamgement (and if a daily papcr, thc circulatim), ctc., of the rfccsaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by tha Act of August U, 1912, cmbodied in section 411, Postal Iaws and Resulation3. Drintcd o! thc rcvcrse of this form. to wit: t. fhat the -nimcs and addrccscc of thc publishcr, editor, managiag cditor. and burincss managcrs arc: Publishcr, J. C. Dionnc, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angelcs; Editoi, J. C. Dionnc' 318 Central Bldg., Los Angelcs; Managing E<litor, J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Ias Angeler; Business Managcrs, None.

2. That thc owner is: (If owncd by a corporation, itg namc and addrecg must bc statod and eleo imnediatcly thereundcr the names and addresseg of etockholdcrr owsing or holding one pcr ccnt or morc of total amount of stock. If not owtrcd by a corporation, thc names and addresscs of the individual owners must bc given. If owned by a 6rm, company, or other unincorporated concer!, its namc and address, as well as those of each individual menber. must be civen.)

The California Lumber Merchant (a corpoiation), 318 tentral Bldg., Los Angeles.

J. C. Dionne, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.

J. E. Martin, 318 Central Rldg., Ips Angeles.

A. C. Merrymal, 318 Central Bldg., Ins Angeles.

T. P. Wier, Houston, Texas.

3. That thc known bondholderr, oortgagees, ead othcr tccuritt holders owning or holding I Der ccnt or more of totel anouat of boodi, mortgagcs, or othcr securities are: (If therc arc !onc, ro statc.) Nonc.

4. Tbat thc two paragraphs next abovc, grviol the namcr of thc owners, stockholders, and sccurity holdcrr, if sni. coatein aot only the list of rtockholdcrr and security holders as thcy aoDcar uoon thc books of thc comtnay but also, i-n caccs r-hcrc ihe-itocthtildcr or security hol{cr appcqir upo,t! the looka of t}c omprny tr trurtcc or in gny othcr fiduciary relatioa, thc namc of thc pcrron or oorDorarion for rhom such trustcc ir acting, ia givcn; aleb-tbrt thc eaid two parag:aphr cortcin statcmcntr cmbrecing affiant'r full knorlcdgc rnd belief ac to thc circumstanccs and conditious urder thlch rtockholdcrt and securit:/ holdcrg rho do not sppcar upon thc boo&r of thc conDrny recunty nordera rno gppc3r tnc tnc comDant as truatac., hold ctocL and securiticr in r cepecity othcr tharr that -of a bona 6dc orner3 aad thie afiiant har no rcesoh to belicve that any other persoa, alsociation. or con ontion hac eny intercat dircct or indircct in ihc caid ctock. boaala, or otherr cecurities than as so statcd bv hln.

5. Thet tbc avcrs8c numbcr of copict of crcb i*uc of tldr oublicalion--rold -d-dirtributcd, thropgh thc-.meilr- or- othcrrirc, !o pei!


For Sale-Small lumber yard with good established trade; poor health reason for selling. Address Box C-378, California Lumber Merchant.

Wanted Bookkeeper

Wanted, A No. 1 Bookkeeper; must invest 9250O and furnish references. Address Box C-379. California Lumber Merchant.

Good Man Wanted Take Charge Of Retail Yard

_,Wanted good man to take full charge of retail yard. Must invest $5000; money fully secured. Salary open. Address Box C-380, Cal'ifornia Lumber Merchant.

Position Wanted By Experienced Lumber Office Man

By experienced all around lumber office clerical man. A-1 references regarding integrity and general qualifica- tions. Address Box C-382, California Lumber Merchant.


"Ooly the Piston movestt

Yz to 2-inch Dritling Capacity.

Weights 10 to 20lbs.

Priced at t100 and up.

Electrlc lDrllls, Att Slzcr

Portatle Gdnders and Bcnch Tfpc

Goncrete Surfaccm

Strand Fledble Sbsltt and Equlpnat

Efecclc Hand Sawr tendcm . PoHthcm . Bultcat

If r jo& crrr br donr rith rrr Coctric tool-rr hevr L


The Fellow Who W_ants_t*g Buy

The F'ellow \Mho Wants to Sell

The Fellow Who Wants to Hire The Fellow Who 'Wants to Be Hired

Timber For Sale

For Sale

Planing Mill Machinery for sale. All modenn, new 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.

Position Wanted As Retail Manager Or Salesman

Experienced man wishes job as retail manager or salesman. 31 years of age, married. 11 years' experience in management and sales work, also bookkeeping. Will start at once at a livable salary. References. Address Box C-383. California Lumber Merchant.

Bookkeeper Wanted

Wanted man not over 30 to take complete charge of set of books for retail lumber yard. Must operate Burroughs Bookkeeping Machine. Country town in Northern California. Population 3,000. Steady job with chan'ce for advancement. Referen'ces required. Answer Box C-384, California Lumber Merchant.

Salesman Wanted

By Northern California wholesale lumber company. Prefer man familiar with San Francisco Bay trade. Write in confidence, stating age, experience and salary expected to Box C-387, The California Lumber Merchant, 112 Market St.. San Francisco. California.

Wanted Position

Lumberman rvith experience covering that of ManagerSales-Office-Foreman-desires position. Will go anywhere. Good references. Address Box C-386. California Lumber Merchant.

20 million feet of timber for sale at Crescent Mills, Cali- fornia. One-half Pine and one-half Fir-two miles from the railroad now being built connecting Western Pacific and the Great Northern. Can arrange satisfactory terms. H. S. Hersmen, Owner, Gilroy, Calilornia.

Wanted Bookkeeper

rr1tr7"n1sd"-i\q1iys young man, good head, to assist bookkeeper-retail experience, lumber, paint and hardware preferred. Address in own handwriting, Box C-385, California Lumber Mer,chant.

Planing Mill Superintendent Open For Position

CapaLle Mill Superintendent, rvell known, open for posiliog. Expert estimator-detailer, and on shop layouts. Reliable references. Now employed. Can take fob within tu'o rveeks' notice. Address Box C-388. The California Lumber Merchant.

Opportunity for Man With Cash

Splendid opportunity to invest $10,000 to $15,fiX) in well established retail lumber business in Northern California. Money is needed for expansion. This modern yard is located in town of 12,500. Tourn and district are due for fast grovrth on account of important local developments. Rare chance to get into developed business with unquestioned prospects for expansion References exchanged, and fullest investigation welcomed. Address Box C-389, California Lumber Merchant, ltZ Market St.. San Francisco.


The office of the California Lumber Merchant is constantly receivitrgapplications, fro_m both men and women, desiring work with lumber concerrn. Moot of lhese have had previous lumber experience.

When you are in need of help of any kind, either office or yard, why not get tfre habit of calling us first and giving us an opporhrnity to be of seroice to you as well aE to tfiosengeding employment? There is no charge with this service, to ernployer or employee.

pfaUfY. minimum of labor in laying and durablliry are threei-portant qualifications of Long-Bell trade-maiked oak foor' irg. And, because of these qualities . . . economy! The first-time user is almost invariably a rePeat-cllstomer, for experience Proves its economy and satisfaction. Builders are finding Long-Bell oak flooring one of the most effective talking points on good construction.

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