3 minute read
They've got to want it before they'll buy o
f,l VERY dealer knowe that continuous demand lJ is the only road to profitable turnover. And before there can be demando there muet be d.esire to buy.
That ie the job of advertieing. And that ie why Celotex, from its very first year, has been backed by powerful, carefully planned advertising campaigns. Year in and year out Celotex advertising is educating home ownere on the wiedom of Celotei home insulation.
The effectiveneee of thie publicity ie shown in the growth of Celotex from first-year production of only f8 million feet to the preeent figure of 332 million feet annually.
Thie year's Celotex campaign ie by far the moet extensive campaign back of any insulation material. ,t8 publicatione circulated to every part of the country are telling the Celotex etory.
The total number of advertieements appearing in these magazineg meang that during this year alone 132,000,000 individual meEsages will point out the merite of Celotex ineulation for home comfort and fuel economy.
Send. for Celoter Merchand,ising Plo;ns
Theee plans are ueed to advantage by hundreds of dealere. Their p.urpoee ie to help you produce a fastero more profitable turnover. Vrite for them today.
The Celotex Companyo 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicagoo Illinoie. fn Canada: Alexander Murray & Co.o Ltd.o Montreal. Salee dietributors throughout the World.
(The following eloquent tribute to his native Dixie was written by the late George M. Bailey, Editor of the HousI ton Post, in response to the guestion propounded by "Life" I i" a special "Dixie Number," "Is there still a Dixie?")
f Yes, there is still a Dixie. A Dixie in the hearts of some \ of us older ones, and in that realm of the spirit fancy may \\.--on visions of the most beautiful of scenes' the loveli-?st faces, the days of cloudless blue ! Dixie, the East to which those of us who stand on the rim of the failing day turn in devotion while the shadows creep ! Dixie, the Glory Land of the Past, the golden bourne of memory's silent rambles, the hallowed Solitude in whose cool depths the lost chords of life breathe again their music into the Soul ! Dixie, Love's Shadowland, Peopled with the unfettered spirits of the noble and the great, redolent of memories that do not die because they cluster about things immortal, templed with the dream-fabrics of a nation that drew from out God's boundless deep, and, after four years of glory, - turned again Home ! Dixie, the Beautiful and Glorious, the sweetest chapter of History, the noblest epic of the ages, the light of yesteryear whose effulgence gilds the crest of Time's swift onward flight ! Dixie, the Stainless Mother of a Nation, the indestr"uctible Kingdom of the Twilight-Dixie, the incomparable South of our Dreams'
Said She
Auto Salesman: "I'd like to show and snappy in a closed car."
Flapper: "I wouldn't be interested; you could."
you something new and I don't believe
The Road To Truth
The wayfarer
Perceiving the pathway to trut
Was struck with astonishmeri
It was thickly grown with weed
"fla," he said,
"I see that none have passed here in a long time."
Later he saw that each weed
Was a singular knife.
"Well," he mumbled at last, "Doubtless there are other roads."
John GalsworthY
, ,/
Courage is but a word, and yet, of. words, (1/ The only sentinel of perrnanence; The o,nly watch-fire of cold winter days. We steal its comfort, lift our weary swords, And on. For Faith, without it, has no sense; And love to wind of doubt or tremor sways; And life forever quaking marsh must tread. Laws give it not, before it prayer will blush, Hope has it not, nor pride of being true.
'Tis the mysterious soul that never yields, But hales us on and on to breast the rush Of all the fortunes we shall happen through. And when Death calls across his shadowy fieldsDying:it answers: "ffere! I am not dead!"
I find it \sier and riches oG.Jhe hind. Tsj of the wo;I\.\alfo""" ' rich; but giv\fe'ttt ttre me my imagin\on and find contentment in the of-Jhe hinS. Tske{rqf,l me all the so-called riches wor\alatfui"e me\dagination and I shall still be of the world and take from will plunge me deep into the bottomless pit ol indesclibfple misery.-Author Unknown'
She had just been hired job in the big side show. And she said to the boss: irrtl. :Tgl<e ,al!""" -, letll the v front of the thoughtfully; lady."
"Is there any partic advice you would like to give me. about this work I starting?"
Not Cob
The copper's hip bulgedThe Chief yelled "Stop"And what he found Was corn on the cop.
Doubled Up
ever undress in
Evangelist: "Look what de Lawd has done fo' you. Gib him a tenth."
Enthusiastic Member: "Amen! Gib him mo'! Gib him a twentieth."