2 minute read

S. F. Architect Forecasts City's Future

Tom V. Sawyer


Sales Manager

Tom V. Sauryer

E. W. Backus, president of The Insulite Company, Minneapolis, Minn.. announces the appointment of Tom V. Sarvyer as sales manager of the company rvith headquarters at their Minneapolis offices. IVIr. Backus also advises that in the future ail Insulite products will be marketed through the retail lumber dealer. "During these many years we have proved to our satisfaction that in the marketing of such a product as fnsulite, the retail dealer is the logical, substantial, and progressive merchandiser," states Mr. Backns.

When The Insulite Co. made its decision to establish an exclusive retail dealer lumber distribution, N{r. Sawyer. who is knorvn to retail dealers throughout the couniry, u.as selected to put this policy in force. Mr. Backus is eftremely optimistic over the business outlook. and with l{r. Sawyer in'charge of sales and rvith their exclusive retail. lumber policy. they expect 1931 to be a banner year for therr company.

Still Heavy in Philippines

^.I,-umber production is still very heavily curtailed in the Philippine _Islands, after a t intei during *tti.t production u'as far below 5O per cent of normal.

Trtg of the biggest mills in the Philippines burnecl during the tvinter, those of The Irrsular Lumbir Company, and oT th.e- Negros Philippine Lumber Company. The'Insular millis being rebuilt at the present -time. The Nesros plan-t will not be rebuilt as they have not timber lefi tq justify rebuilding.

The ririll of the Findlay-Ifillar Timber Company, after being shut dor.vn for months, has started operations, but will require several months to build up a commercial itock of luml>er.

All Philippine lumber stocks of the class of materials shipped to the United States, are very low.

dergo an almost ,complete nerv development during

The architecture of San Francisco will undoubtedlv unthe next generation, adding to the attractiveness of the city as one of the most delightful places in r.vhich to work and live, according to Lervis P. Hobart, prominent San Francisco architect and designer of the nerv Mills Torver. His observations in this connection tvere rnade in the course of an investigation of the Crocker First National Bank to project the future of San Francisco in all phases, including industrial and commercial possibilities and general civii development.

"San Francisco's unsurpassed location. r,r'ith its marvelous waterfront of both bay and ocean, and rvith the topog- raphy of hills, should be-one of the most beautiful cities in the world," said Mr. Hobart.

In the San Francisco of the future. Mr. Hobart sees: "A modern trend of high lluildings ; opportunities for a wonderful rvaterfront with several elevated landings over the Embarcadero for trans,continental and trans--Pacific airplqlq..; the 'city's hills crorvnecl with great apartment buildings: beautiful parks and boulevards develbping as the ci.ty grows and spreads dolr'n the Peninsul-a; *and Chinatown, North Beach. Potrero and other districts each adopting its orvn individual and characteristic architecture."

White Brothers' Yard Escapes

Curtailment of Mill Production Fire

Strenuous efforts of the San Fran,cisco Fire Deoartment resulted in saving the big hardrvood yard of Whife Broth- e1s, _!gn Francisio, {pri-i S, when fiie srvept the plant of srr, J4u rtartcrsco,.nprll o, wnen nfe Slvept tne plant Ot the Western Box & Excelsior Co. in the saine blo&. The firemen extinguished a nurnber of srnall fires n'hich startecl in White Brothers' yard.

Announces Change in Name

On March 23, 1931, the Klamath Pine Distributors announced the change of their firm name to the Kent Lumber Company. This_- indicates no change in management, ownership nor policies but merely readopts the nam-e under which the Kent Lumber Compiny stafted in business in 1925. The Kent Lumber Complny have offices in the Russ Building, San Francisco, and are-distributors of California white and sugar pine.

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