2 minute read
Lumberman Takes Big One-Day Air Trip
- Htrgh Handley, sales manager of Van-Arsdale-Harris
I.unrber Co., San Francisco, is-a real air trav€l fan. Not onll' does he take many long business trips from time to time b1'air, but he does a lot of flying in private planes ou'ned bv hi" friends. On a receni S"undav he .ivis the guest o_f R. M. Herring. division manag'er, Shell Oil Companv. San Francisco, for a long ridJ in the company,s i,ockheed \rega cabin plane. The partv rvhich alio included as guests Capt. and Mrs. Nish of San Francisco, left San Francisco at 8:15 a.m. on the Alamecla Ferry ancl took off from Alamecla half an hour later. Thev fle# over Lake Tahoe. headed south for a good vierv of Yosemite, nra-king -a lotr-stop run to GlendalE. Returning the plane follou'ed the sea coast most of the rva1,, makinq a stop at Santa Maria for a late luncheon. and irriving in Alamecla in time to catch the 4:40 p. m. ferry for San Francisco.
Hoo Hoo Club No. g€
A. L. Pickens, Zoologist, Universitl' of California, rvas the speaker of the day at the resular montl-rlr, luncheon nreeting of San Franciico Hoo Hod Club No. 9.'held at the Commercial Club, San Francisco, at noon March 26.
]Ir. Pickens talked on Termites and White Ants. and rvhile the clrv sounding title of this talk probably had the elTect of mai.ing the ittenclance the smallest oi the year up to nolv, it can be said that those rvho attenclecl thor,r.ugn-ly _enjor.ecl the speaker's treatment of a subject that should be of interest to everybodv engaged in any branch of the lumber business.
President _lim Farley presided, and expressed the hope that the next meeting ivould bring ouf a much larger attendance.
Frank Trorver made an announcement regarding the pro- posed Big Tree memorial to the late Parson -Simpkin. Lumbermen, he said, will shortly be given the opportunitl, to subscribe for this. The money suSscribed u-iil'be given to the funcl for the purchase of the Calaveras Grove, and in consideration of the subscription of a substantial amount, ong of the trees in this gtb't. rvill be dedicated to the memory of the Parson.
Lumber Commissioner to Visit United Kingdom
Recent statements of the British Columbia Minister of Lands before the British Columbia legislature indicate that the provincial government proposes to send a lumber comrnissioner to the United Kingdom, states a report from Trade Comrnissioner E. G. Babbitt at Vancouver to the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce.
The Minister stated that as a result of the visit of the British Columbia lumber delegation to Australia in l9D, British Columbia's ratio of Australia's purchases has prac- tically doublecl in l93O over 1929.
Further, the lVlinister stated that the milline and losgins capacity of British Columbia is more than 50-per ..nt'-iaG and that the solution lies in wider markets incl this requires trade extension work.
The United -Kingdorn takes annually about 3 to 3l bil- lion feet of softwoods of which the Minister believei British Columbia could supply a larger share than at present. A lumber commissioner, the Minister states, thoroughly conversant vvith the qualities, grades, and uses of gritish Columbia species could place be{ore architects, engineers and users the merits of British Columbia woods.