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Appointed Assistant Manager Redwood Association Adds Five o[ Lumber Conf erence Men
R.'C. "Bob" Parker, formerly sales manager for E. K. Wood Lumber Co., with headquarters at Portland, Ore.. and one of the best known lumbermen on the Pacific Coast, has been appointed assistant manager of the Pacific Coastwise Lumber Conference with offices in the Robert Dollar Building, 311 California street, San Francisco. He is assistant to John Rossiter, manager of both the Pacific Coastwise conference and the lumber conference, both of which were reorganized recently.
Mr. Parker, who is a Californian, has spent a total of 25 years in the lumber business. He started to work for the Scott & Van Arsdale Lumber Co. in San Francisco almost 3O years ago. He became associated with the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. in 1915, and after working for this firm in various capacities in California for seven years, went to Portland as sales manag'er, from which position he resigne<l a year ago.
H. H. McCarn, for many years connected with the automatic sprin\ting business in California, is now with Viking Automatic Slrinkling Co. of Los Angeles with headquar- ters in San Francisco. He was formlrly California manager for the Rockwood Sprinkler Co. with offices in Los Angeles, and except for the duration of the World War when he was in the service, h,e was associated with this company since 1907. He is well known to the lumber fraternity in California.
to Field Force
C. H. Griffen, Jr., general manager of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, announces that the Association has added five new field representatives to its staff. R. W. Smith, as formerly, makes his headquarters in San Francisco. T'he new men are: J. R. Free'man, 2935 Florence street, Berkeley; R. R. Leishman, Architects Building, Los Angeles; E. W. Hemmings, Architects Building, Los Angeles; M. L. Booth, 920 H Street, Sacramento, and N. W. Tatterson, Sequoia Hotel, Fresno.
Also continuing with the Association are Max E. Cook, farmstead engineer, in charge of Redr,r'ood Farrn Structures Bureau; S. J. Sharp, Structural Departm,ent, and J. W. Williams, office manager.
All of these men, Mr. Griffen says, are at the service of the dealers at any time.
T. G. Anthony, manager of the Clement Lumber Company, Orange, Calif., has left on a trip to the Middle West n'here he will visit Kansas City and his old home at Wenona, Ill. He will be gone about six q'eeks. Mrs. Anthonv accompanied him on the trio.
New Mill Starts April 20
The new mill of the Ken.ivood Lumber Co., Portland, will start sawing April 20, according to an announcement by J. D. Harvey, owner and manager. The new mill replaces the plant which was destroyed by fire in June, 1930, and will cut 140,00O feet per day in two shifts.