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Lumber Employee Relief Attracts National Attention
Washington, March 31.-The number of instances in which lumber companies are assisting their employees_ in mills and camps to make ends meet during these trying times has attricted the interest of the President's Commission on Unemployment Relief and that bodv has expressed a desire to call some of the steps being taken to the attention of employers in other industries. The Commission has particularly noted instances of supplies advanced on credit against resumption of employment and the many cases in which mills are par,celling out unused ground and encouraging employees to raise gardens to augment existing table supplies. Reports indicate that in some instances the companies are going so far as to plow and harrow and even fertilize land.
Fred C. Croxton, Assistant Director of the Commission, has recently written the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, stating that it is desired to publish a small pamphlet, crediting the industry for its helpful attitude and -alling its various methods to the attention of others. He has asked assistance in getting together the necessary information.
In line with the Commission's request, the National Lumber Manufacturers Association has addressed letters to a number of ,companies reported to be doing something in the way of employee help and has, called the request to the attention of secretaries of regional manufacturing associations asking their further assistance in gathering available information. Reports from companies that are giving any type of help would be appreciated. The principal interest attaches to the nature of the assistance offered and general results, but "human interest" details will be decidedly welcome-such as actual experiences of individual employees in planting and raising subsistence crops. Letters should be addressed to the headquarters of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, 1337 Connecticut Ave., Washington, D. C.
Los Angeles Ranks Second For March Building
Los Angeles, rvith March, 1932, building permits totaling $3,464,480, for the fourth time in the past six months has ranked second in volume of building permits among the cities of the country. Building permits for the leading ten cities during March were 4s follows: