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For You
The public is price conscious. '[hey knozu that all commodities are now selling at bargain prices. There are thousands of people in your district who have the cash to pay and are now taking advantage of the high purchasing power of their dollars.
Remodeling dollars will today buy 25/o more than in 19?8.. WEAVER-HENRY dealers are using this sales argument to good advantage because they not only sell low cost labor and materials but . . . WEAVERHENRY ROOFS back up the deal with outstanding quality.
WEAVER-HENRY is going af.ter 1932 Home Remodeling u'ith the most compelling line of asphalt shingles in history in every respect. Inquire how WEAVERHENRY products can increase your profits.
"fat" Nicholson announces that he has entered the insurance business with offic,es at 5225 Wilshire boulevard, Los Angeles. His firm is operating under the name of Calder-Nic'holson. The telephone number is WHitney 5385. They are handling all lines of insurance.