1 minute read
National Advertising Spotlight n,ow
turned, on, Celotex Dealers
Starting this month Celotex national advertising will emphasize Celotex Dealen as Insulation Ffeadquarters.
For The First Time
Diversified lines of Insulation Products are tied together by a unified celling and advertising policy.
For The First Time
Celotex dealers are advertised as the local AUTHORITY on insulation.
For The First Time
The public will be advised to consult yo,u on every insulation problem.
For The First Time
Your place of business will be known in your community as-
Insulation Headquarters
The Celote-x ComBany, 819 North Mlehlgan.Aveq Chlcagio' Illlnols. 3ale3 alLtrlbutorr tLrougihort the world, In Canadar Alexand6 Munay,'1&€oLtd., luoDtreal.
Are You Getting Your Share
t' \ Pioneer on asphalt instant responsl the West! Al carried this mel to prospective with immediate o fn every terfi coundess hom, waiting br this or rc+ool at lr is here .. tel plain the outst,