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How Lumber Looks

Douglas Fir-The West Coast Lumberments Association reports that all market outlets excepting the local trade dereased for the week ended April 1. Rail and domestic cargo markets continued in fair volume but the export trade was low. Or' ders for the week showed a decrease of t4roOOrOO0 feet, and production a loss of 2r00or000 feet. As the spurt in ordets of the previous week did not result in added production of consequence, tfie statistical pooition of the industry is stronger than at any dme this year. The unfilled files are increasing and inventories continue to shrink.

A total of. ZSZ down and operating mills which reported to the Association for the week ended April 1 produced 62,441,' 593 board feet of lumber. This was a decrease of 219721272 feet or 4.5% undet their cut in the preceding week. The average week's production of this group of sarvmil[s in 1933 has bern 56264,165 f.eet; during the same period of. 1932, thett weekly average was 6514091175.

New business reported for tfie week ended April 1 by 178 mills was 73rl3grg58 board feet against a production of. 55r' 7831712 feet and shipments of 71,988,387 feet. Shipments were over production by 29% and current sales were over Pro' duction by 3l.l/a. The orders booked for the week by this group of identical mills were less than their o'rders of the preceding week by lr'9o2,282 ?."t_a l*t or 16/o.

Lumber production and new business booked at the sawmills during the week ended April 1, 1933, wete so'mewhat lower than during the previous week, but shipments wete the high' est of-any week since last September, according to rePorts to tfie National Lumber Manufacturerst Association from regional associations covering t{re opetations oI 652 leading hardwood and softwood mills. During the first quarter of. 19t3, production was 11 per cent below the corresponding period of LglZ

Orange County Lumbermen Will Play Golf April 19

The next monthly golf tournament of the Orange County lumbermen will be held at the Santa Ana Country Club, Santa Ana, Calif., Wed. afternoon, Apr. 19. These monthly tournaments are proving very popular with the lumbermen and a good attendance is expected. Lunch will be served at the Club. All lumbermen are invited to attend.

and new business was 16 per cent below. Shipments werc 26 per cent and ordets 73 per cent above the production of the quaftef.

Production during the week ended April I amounted to 961 339,000 feet; shipmen" ** Itol6t?fi)0 feet.

The Southern Pine Associatio'n for tfie week ended April I reported new business frorn 92 mills ae 2$854.OOO feet; shipments, 2914161000 feet, and production, l9r244rW l.@t. Orders were 40 per cent over production and 9 per cent below shipments. Shipments were 53 per cent above production.

The Vestern Pine Association for the week rqrofted new business from 111 mills as ,7r54rrOOO feet; shipments, t 162rr000 feet, and production, 1118361000 feet Ordere werc 217 per cent i,bove production and 12 per cent above shipments. Shipments were 184 per cent above production.

264 hardwood mills for the same week reported new business as 1511551000 feet, or 67 per cent above productiorg and shipments ltr62SrOOO feet, or 46 W cent above production. Production was 9r3lOrOOO feet.* * *

Buyrng in the California matket slackened up some during the past weekas compared to the spurt that followed the 6ank holiday and the Southern Califomia eathquake. There is a fair seasonal demand, and when reconstruction gets undet way in the earthquake area trhere should be a gradual demand for lumber. The market is bettet, and the lumber situation, in general, looks encouraging.

Prices at the fir mills are firm. The shingte market is f,irrr and stocks at the shingle mills are reported low. Orde$ at the pine mills are increasing and prices are better.

Unsold lumber stocks on the public doc&s at San Pedro to' taled 3r945ro00 feet on April 8 as compared to 4r131r0(X) feet the previous week. Cargo arivals at tfiis Port for the week ended April 8 amounted to 21635,o$ feet and included 8 car' goes of 'Fir; cargo arivals the previous week totaled 810231000 feet. On April 8, 46 lumbet vessels wete operating rn the coastwise setvicel 59 vessels were laid up.

C, B. Crisler

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