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How lrumber l-rooks

Lumber shipments of 451 mills reporting to the National Lumber Trade Barometer exceeded production by lO.7 per cent for the week ended March 27, 1943. In the same week new orders of these mills were 21.2 per cent greater than production. Unfilled order files in the reporting mills amounted to 95 per cent of stocks. For reporting softwood mills, unfilled orders are equivalent to 39 days'production at the current rate, and gross stocks are equivalent to 38 days' production.

For the year to date, shipments of reporting identical mills exceeded production by 17.9 per cent; orders by 23.4 per cent.

Compared to the average corresponding week of i93539 production of reporting mills was 24.7 per cent greater; shipments were 25.6 per cent greater, and orders were 38.1 per cent greater.

The Western Pine Association for the week ended March 27,94 mills reporting, gave orders as 73,227,N0 ieet, shipments 63,393,000 feet, and production 57,065,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 421,457,0W feet.

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended April 3, 155 mills reporting, gave orders as 23,575,NO feet, shipments 28,105,000 feet, and production 25,Ol7,ON feet. Or- ders on hand at the end of the week totaled 14I.752.W feet.

The California Redwood Association reported production of twelve operations for the month of February, 1943, as 31,198,000 feet, shipments 41,734,000 feet, and orders received 46,176W feet. Orders on hand at the end of the month totaled 96.319.000 feet.

The West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended March 20 reports orders as 107,300,000 feet, shipments 105,852,000 feet, and production 108,819,000 feet.

For the week ended March 27 ord,ers were reported as I32,754,0ffi feet, shipments 119,72O,000 feet, and production 113.165.000.

Jim Likes The Army

Jim Overcast,. former sales manager, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, now in the Army, finished his basic training April 10. The life must be suiting him fine for he reports a gain of five pounds in weight, in sn:'^ ^f the rugged experience of preliminary training. For the information of his friends his address is: Pvt. James B. Overcast, 39,040,305, Barracks #8, S. C. U. 1932, Head.quarters Section, Fort Winfield Scott, California.

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