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Thought It Was Guadalcanal

An old friend of mine who is a Captain in the army and getting a great thrill out of it, told me the following story, swears it is true. His outfit is stationed on Matagorda Island, in the Gulf off the Texas coast. One day an enlisted man in his compa.ny failed to return from his Sunday leave. F'ive days later he telephoned in from Chicago, and wanted to get back to camp. Arrangements were made, and 36 hours later the soldier reported to the Captain.

"All right, soldier," said the Captain. *Go ahead and tell me all about it."

"Well, Captain" said the returned prodigal soldier, "On Saturday night I got lickered up pretty high. I got a bottle of whisky and got on a bus. For five days I just kept riding busses and drinking whiskey, until finally I ended up in Chicago with no money and no whiskey, so I phoned you for help."

"Wait a minute, soldier," said the Captain. "That might happen all right if it were not for the Military Police all along the line. Didn't any of them pick you up?"

"Sure," said the soldier. "Several times the M. P.'s stopped me, and asked 'Where you from, soldier?' And I told them Matagorda Island! And they would just slap me on the back and say-'great work, soldier; hope you hold them damn Japs'-and they let me go on every time."

Hoo-Hoo Concat at Sacramento April 24 Questions and Answer Booklet

Announcement is made by Charles L. Shepard of Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento, Vicegerent Snark for the Sacramento Valley district, that a Hoo-Hoo Concatenation will be held at the Sacramento Hotel on Saturday afternoon, April 24. The Concat will be held at 4:0O p. m., and this will be followed by a dinner in the evening at the hotel. It is expected that there will be a large attendance.

The Nine which will officiate at the initiation ceremony will be the following:

Vicegerent Snark, Charles L. Shepard; Senior Hoo-Hoo C. D. LeMaster; Junior Hoo-Hoo, Lewis A' Godard; Scrivenoter, Harry A. Pefley; Bojum, LeRoy Miller; Jabberwock, A. R. Perkins; Costocation, Mitch Landis; Arcanoper, Homer Derr; Gurdon, Henry Gilbert.

Resardins CMP

Answers to the most frequently asked questions iu connection with the operation of the Controlled Materials Plan have been made available by the War Production Board in booklet form.

These questions and answers have been compiled following field surveys by the staff of the Controlled Materials Plan Division, and represent an aid to industry in operating under CMP Regulations as they stand today.

The questions and answers fall into five classes, involving general aspects of the plan; allotments and preference ratings;'inventory and inventory adjustments; maintenace, repair, and operating supplies procedure; and the transition from PRP to CMP.

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