1 minute read
It's the Mulfiple-Funcfion
Building Motericrl thot DOES 3 JOBS
AVAfIABLE NOW! This new 5/e" Celo-Siding was developed to enable dealers to taP the rich farm market and other present-day building needs.
TDEAL lllATERlAt. A multiple-function material combining siding, sheathing and insulation in one quickty applied material. The board is composed of Celotex cane fibre, coated on all sides with an asphalt compound. An extra coating is applied to the weather surface and crushed mineral granules are pressed in to provide a durable, attractive exterior finish. Ap plied direct to studding. Ideal for small shops, farrn buildings and general low-cost lighter construction.
SpECIFICATIONS. 5/s"-t x 8'with square edges all around. Available in buff or green colors. For even greater strength and insulation value, ruse Vs" Crlo-Siding. Comes in2'x 8'with r*c ioints on long edges, 4 x8' and { x L0' with {luare edges.
FREE PIANS. New detailed plans for brooder house using Celo-Siding are now ready. I7'rite for information on how to use pl,ans to get farm business. Address' The Celotex Corporation, Dept. CLM'4, Chicago 3' Ill.