2 minute read
lncoroordtrd nadrr thr lcrr ol Cctitornlc t. C. Dtoruo. Pr* cad -lncr.r l. B Mcrtll, Vlcr-Prrtr W. t. llcct, S.ct lrrt PsULhrd tbo lrt cIad f5$ d( .ocL oootl qt
5lB9-10 Cotrcl Bu|laflc. ll[ Wcrr EbdL 9trrot. Lor &grlrr f& Cd., foloirbor Vtsdil. lS85 Eotrrrd or Socod-clc Eatt r S.pi@b.t 8, l&, at rL. P€.t CrlEc. cr Lor Ascol6, Calilonlc, udrr lc't of MdcL 8, lglg
Subrcdptioa Price, t2.lll per Ycot Singlc Copier, 25 cents ecch
M. ADAMS Clreuladoo U.lstas
LOS ANGELES 14, CAL., APRIL 15,1944 AdvcrddnE Bclt,* oa Appltccittii
How lrurnber Lrooks
Lumber shipments of 510 mills reporting to the National The West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week I Lumber Trade Barom-eter were 2.6 per cent above produc- ended March 25 reported orders as 131,682,000 feet, shipments'. tion fdr the week ended Mafch 25,1944. In the same week 112,529,000 feet, and production 118,662,000 feet. , ;lii new orders of these mills were 2I.I per cent greater than For the week ended April, 1 orders were reported as 135,;',f:ii neworqersoIIneSemllrswere.L.LPerceIILgfcaLeILIIdllI'UlLltEwEgAtll(lguAP!rIlrUluErJw!ILrLyvrl!uoJ production. Unfilled order files of the reporting mills 648,000 feet, shipments 139,955,000 feet, and production 122,-' ''.! amounted to 119 per cent of stocks. For reporting soft- 348,000 feet. wood mills, unfilled cirders are equivalent to 42 days' pro- duction at the current rate, and gross stocks are equivalent In to 33 days' produclion'
pccilic AreC
Lieutenant wesley Kilworth, Naval Air Force, is now in :ii
For the year to date, shipments bf reporting identical mills the Pacific Area. Before going into the selvice he was'assis. ,.1 exceeded p.roduction by 8.1 per cent; orders by 16.1 per cent. taqt to Perry A. Dame, sales mbnbger, Vancouver Plywood &,ii
Compared to the average correspo-nding week of 1935<39, Veneer Co', Vancouver,'Wash' .' production of reporting mills was 35.0 per cent greater; shipments were 26.1 per cent greater; and orders weer 49.4 per cent greater.
The Western Pine Association for the week ended April 1, 1O9 mills reporting, gave orders as 59,158,000 feet, shipments 71,388,000 feet, and production 63,576,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 392,@0,000 feet.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended April 1, 83 units (137 mills) reporting, gave orders as 20,2o2,ffi feet, shipments 171,191,000 feet, and production 14,076,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled l@,O5O,00O feet.
Hotel Leamington
Oaldcmd, Gclilornicr
Extends cr cordicl welcone to Centrcrl and,Northern Ccrlilornic Lrunbermen on the occcrsion ol their
HOTEL I.EAMINCTON lglh d Frcmtrlin Stg, Ocklcmd, Calif. Phone Hlgcte 2525
H. B. Klingensmitlr" Genercl Mcmcger
E need old photos qnd colorlul stories oI the eqrly dcrys oI Redwood logging cnd lumbering in crnd crround our mills qt Scotia, Cclilornia, cs well cs views crnd inlormation oI our customers' ecrly crctivities in the Redwood lumber business.
Why?-Becctuse we're stcrrting to compile cn illustrated history oI The Pcrcilic Lumber Compcrny dcrtingr bcrck to 1886, the yecrr in which we stqrted in business. We hcve clrecrdy uncovered a world oI interesting mcrterial in the clbums qnd crrchives oI mcny oI our Redwood lumber declers, whose development crnd proqress hcs been the very loundction oI our growth.
We would grrecrtly cpprecicte your locning us cny old photogncphs you leel would be oI interest. We cssure you thct we will hcndle them with the grrecrtest ol ccrre cnd we promise to return them promptly crs soon crs we have reviewed them.
NOIE In eending crny phgtogrcrphs to us plecse do not lold the prir_rt-plcce cr piece oI ccndbocrd to size in the envelope for protecdon Kindly enclose crny inlormation or identificcrtion you mcry
LIGIITLY on the bcrck oI eqch photo. Mcil to The Pccific Lunber Compsny, 100 Bush Street, Scm Frcmcisco 4, Cclifornicr