1 minute read

Friday, April 28, ls Date of Revcille

A capacity attendance is expected for the 12th Annual Reveille of Northern and Central California lumbermen to b6 held in the Victory Bowl, Hotel Leamington, Oakland on Friday evening, April 28.

Leo Hulett, Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., San Francisco, chairman of the entertainment committee, has arranged Ior a program which he describes as "bang-up'entertainment, and entirely new to the Bay area."

Tickets are being sold in advance this year for the reason that the capacity of the Rowl is limited to 350.

Tom Hogan III, Hogan Lumber Co., Oakland, chairman of the finance committee, feports a generous response from the wholesale and retail lumbermen who rally every year to the support of this affair. All proceeds over expenses will again be donated to a special cause in connection with the war.

Tickets can be obtained from any member of the general committee or from Everett Lewis, chairman'of the ticket sales committee, Gamerston & Green Lumber Co., Livingston St., Oakland 6.

On aciount of travel conditions there will be no golf tourna:, ment in connection with this year's Reveille.

Presented with Sterling-Silver Cigar Hrimidor.

fn honor of his sixtieth birthday and in recognition of -tliir, company's completion of its first quarter-eentvry, e group Of,, old-timers of United States Plywood Corporation in an irn-.1 promptu "ceremony" on March 24 presented Lawrence Ott ] inger, president and f{under of the company, with a silver cigar humidor.

The old-timers included F,; B. Creigh, now manager of its , Brooklyn division; Monroe W. Pollack, Metropolitan divisiono manager; S. W. Antoville, vice-president in charge of salesjl R' Clay Wilcox, executive vice-president; W. Robeit Goepd, manager of the Weldwood Glue Division; James J. Dunni;' vice-president in charge of technical products; W. C. Baileyj vice-president in charge of Western manufacturing; G. trl.:i I-apham, manager of the Boston division; E. A. Edwards;; manager of the Rochester division; and Charles S. Crei sales manager. )

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