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Here's A Way To Help Meet The Manpower .O
Get The Utmost From Your Machines
Cancrdcr's mills qre still laced with grecter production demands thcrn they cqn hqndle. This, coupled with the increcsingly crcute mcrnpower shortcrge, mqkes it imperctive thcrt every lcbor-scving mcrchine be maintcrined in top-noich condition to ccrrry on with mcrximum elliciency. Tcrke Carriers qnd LiIt Trucks lor excrmple. Check them thoroughly and regulcrly. Mcrke minor crdjustments qnd re' pcirs now to lorestcll costly breqkdowns crnd delcys-breakdowns which might occur right when these mcrchines crre needed most. Remember, without proper cqre even the linest equipment ccrn't perlorm crt peck elliciency Complete stocks ol genuine Ross pcrts, crs well qs modern repcir lccilities, qre qvcilqble to encrble owners oI Ross Ccrriers crnd LiIt Trucks to mqintcrin these lqst, lcborscving machines in A-l shcrpe.
II you crre laced with c hcndling problem, let our engineers suggest cr solution.
When the thunder of war is roaring, And the earth spits death and pain, When the bornrbs fall from a war red sky, And they bathe the field like rain; When your boy goes forth in battle, " And it seems that your prayer's denied, God and His angels are with him, for, The Red Cross is by his side.
Helen Baird LaMonte
When that stalwart humorist and philosopher Irvin Cobb died the other day, he left behind a letter for all the world to read. it did. And it was probabty the best thing Cobb ever wrote. In that letter he essayed to quote from memory Robert Louis Stevenson's self-written epitaph He said if he had quoted the wordi wrong, to please correct him. He had. The epitaph, which is lettered on a bronze panel set in the great Concrete tornb of Stevenson on a inountain top in Sarnoa, reads as follows: rF*{<
Under the wide and starry sky, Dig the grave 4nd let me lie, Glad did I live, and gladly die, And I laid me down with a will. This be the verse you grave for me: Here he lies where he longed to be, Home is the sailor, home from the sea, And the hunter home from the hill.
It is interesting to know that, in addition to this beautiful self-written epitaph, Stevenson's monument also bears a panel on which is inscribed in the Samoan language their translation of the wondrous words of Ruth to Naomi: "Whither thou goest, I will go, and where thou lodgest. I veill lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God; where thou diest, I will die, and there will I be buried." Stevenson is one of the world's great writers who grgws greater as the years roll along and,his works become bgtter known. ***-
There have been many bureaucratic governments in the history of the world, but the only one f ever heard of that I would vote for was the one that the Chinese pilosopher and teacher Confucius told about some 25(X) years ago. He said:
"The ancients who wished to illustrate virtue throughout ' the kingdom first governed well their state. Wishing to govern well their state they first cultivated their personalities. Wishing to.cultivate their personalities they first rectified their minds. Wishing to rectify their minds they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts they first extended to the utmost their knowledge." ***
There was a bureaucracy that could have been electedr, in any land at any time, and given a full vote of confidencq.,il Which reminds me that Churchill demanded and was giveiii a splendid vote of confidence by the British Parliament thC:' other day, They had been stornping on the old boy's corns; pretty hard, and he got tired of it. I read some weeks ago 1; where one of his critics in Parliamint referred to him as"Joe Stalin's Charlie McCarthy." No wonder he got mad::,i But wasn't that quite-a compliment for our American ven-.;*{ triloquist, Edgar Bergen?
Again speaking of Confucius. He was not only one ofii the greatest teachers, in the world's history; he wag qn6:;i: of ihe toughest to study under. T isten to his own wordi,lir,J what he required of a pupil: "When I have presented one. "l: corner of a subject and the listerier cannot unfold the'other' three, I do not repeat,my lesson." That was a tough clas*,* to go to sleep in.' {<r}r};
The kind of a bureaucracy Confucius talked abouJ would,,,i have been a perfect form of human government. In order.. to rule wisely his ancients sought to make themselve$ juit:jt, and perfect, so they would be perfect administrators of ,:,i government. Someone asked Voltaire one time if he did: 't_-i .not think a Monarchy the most perfect form of govern,. ri:! ment, and the great Frenchman replied that he did, but ',i only if Marcus Aurelius was the Monarch. He considered' that great Roman a perfect governor, and so he would have,- ll headed a perfect government. The finest possible govern*,i'l ment would be one in which the head or heads were justr.i;1 understanding, unselfish, super-intelligent, but most of all,-,j free from the human frailties that invariably creep in when: i j ever ordinary men are given too much power. An4: r: naturally, the objection to that form of government is ,l! that when the perfect ruler or rulefs are gone-what then?.':'r: +,i*
Are Japs human? Let's consider the question. Anthro. .l,i pologists have long since established certain critefia to rI distinquish humans from other animals. There are five -.i distinguishing markings: rectili4ear erectness, fat footed:'i,, ness, general haiilessness of skin, conxparatively large brain capabity, nonopposable great toes. What of the Japs? .; They stand up straight; they have fat feet; their brain 6izei,, is ample; their skin is less hairy than ours. But, Ah, .that '.
(Contiirued on Page 10) tr.
(Continued from Page 8) fifth! A Jap's big toe is pet well apart from the other toes on his foot, much like a thumb. It looks like it was made for climbing trees, or for gripping things as the monkeys do with their feet. It is not a human big toe, as measured by the big toes of hurnans generally. Add to his big toes his beastliness and his fiendish enjoyment of human torture, and you've gOt something that isn't quite human. But then what is it? Easy enough. It's, just a Jap. ***
The worst tongue lashing I have heard the government get this year was from a wounded marine who sat next to me at a lunch counter. He had had 18 months of fighting in the Pacific, wore a lot of ribbons as well as the purple heart. You have no trouble understanding what a Marine means when he cuts loose. He ordered several articles of , food. One was butter. None was availablo. Then the fur flew. He wanted to know when those "blankety-blanks in Washington" were going to quit trying to feed the world and tiying to give away everything this nation owns? Said he didn't believe in giving away anything to anybody that this nation needs. Imm,ediate first aid after an invasion was all right, he said, but no more. ***
He told about reading a news article with a Washington - date line that said the government had twenty millions of pounds of accumulated butter on hand right then, but the authorities had not made up their minds whether to reiease it for civilian use, or hold it for Lend-Lease. "!V'hen f read that," said this big Marirrc, "I saw more red than I did at Guadalcanal." *** i, - I often wonder if folks who talk about feeding the world i,, , with American food, have any idea of the size of the job.
They pillaged parts of France twice more beiore Chriq$ It was their regular line of business. In274 A.D., the Rhorfiii basin was invaded by the Germans. One year later they_ went into Nor1hsas1e1n France. In 301 A.D., they-pi Langres, but were finally beaten off. In 351, th;y ;;:; quered the left bank of the Rhine. In 354, tley Lyons, and in 360, they plundered and burned They invaded Belgium in 364. Since that time have invaded their neighbors in the following years: 382, 400, +1.O, 4L3,' 900, g5E, g7g, 1124, 1214, 15L3, 1523i 1536, L54+, L552, 1553, 1567, 1569, 1575, 1576, L674, 1675, 17017, L7O8, 174+, 1792, 1793, 1914, 1915, 1914, 1939. Truly it has been well said that the chief ness of Germany, is war.
They cut the gasoline ration in March, as you undoubqj edly know, and the public. was told that shortage of oilit and gasoline made it imperative. I attended a big meeting a feriv days after the cut went into effect, at which a,-lqt1 of prominent oil rnen were voicing their indignation at thi.; oil situation.' They were highly comp€tent, experienced,? nespected oil producers, who know all there is to knoF; about the oil situation. And this is what I heard theseij authorities say about oil, just to give you an idea: The proa;.? posed United'States.Saudi Arabian pipe line, stinks. Thos were the exact wofds used. They condemned it as a sen$e-i 'less, useless, impractical proposal, and *er6 definite tliatl{ there is "a nigger in the woodpile," or several, of theni.'rl They condemned it utterly as a measure for either wqf,ll or peace.
:F, + * 'ii
About oil and .gasoline supply, fr,ere is *t "t O" ,onjij spokesman, Mr. Maston Nixon, of Coipus Christi, presideiit-;'t of the Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association, said in short: * :: in Europe. Add Africa and you've got about TWO BIL- "There is no shortage of oil, either present or in prospect, j,',, LION people for our 130,000,000 to start looking after. except what the government creates by regulationS that r-1 i.. , Besides we've been giving plenty to South America and hamstring the oil industry. If those impractical- rbstric.::r '; Mexico. Have you ever noticed that when the so-called tions were removed the industry could.and would produce ij ''.;- hurnanitarians declare that we are put on earth to take all theoil and gas the war effort needs, and all the civilian:,'
There are 1,135,000,0fi) people in Asia, and about 400,000,000
,'..- care of tfie "other fellow," and you ask them what the other , fellow is put on earth for, they always get sore? *** population could possibly use, and continue to do so agr.,|i fur into the years as anyone can see." They cbuched their;l5 statcments in indignant terms. tf*
The history of Germany is the history of invasion of their neighbors. They've been at it since .one hundre{ years before Christ on an average of once every fifty years. One hundred yearg 8.C'., 30O,O00 Germans invaded France, murdering and burning as they went. They were whipped at Aixen-Provense, sued for peace, and promised to be good. But 60 years later, 240,000 Germans invaded France again. Six years after that 400,000 Germans invaded the territory between the Meuse and the Oise. They were driven back.
' :! 1 ;,: , '- :?: 'l l- We hear inuch about good-neighborliness theSe claygi:::i The Captain of an infantry company made up entirely ofit' Texans and now stationed in Africa; told his men: '.One'ofl' pur jobs here is to promote good will/and frjendship be-i, tween our country and lfiese natives. So we must remembe{ to humor them, no matter what they may say. For instance;,i if thel' say Africa is bigger than Texas-don't make thefil,i mad by telling them the truth:AGREE WITH THEM. :,