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Stre qtnline Flooring with rhe new Bruce Finish
,THE many oowonder" producte of the future etill on I the drawing boarde of designera and.-engineers have yet to be built and proved. But where floors are con' cerned, there can be but one answer-Bruce Streamline Flooring with the New Bruce Finieh.
Over gix yeara of reeearch and development by tle world'e largeet makerg of hardwood flooring have made Streamline an ideal buililing material. The millions of feet installed in homes before and during the war are
The Scrotch Test Proves the Bruce Floor Finish
Baauee this ie a deerxeal floor finieh and not a surface finilh, it aeals the poree of the wood agaimt duet anil dirt and produces a long lmting lutrou fnish that will not ecratch, 1reI or chip. Half of the panel ehown i8 surfw frfished the ordinuy way-the other half Bruce fuo-sal finished. A min acraped acrose both finiehdE wilt acratch the surface 6ni8h but leave the Bruc 6nieh unharined.
proving it further in daily uee. After the war Streamline
Flooring with the Nant Brue Finisi wiII be the top choice of owners beeauee it offere 80 many extrasstreamline styling, regigtance to damage, eaay mainte' nance, and beauty they never. thoqght'poeaible in a hardwood floor.
Be prepared to give your customere.the modern floor they will need when building etarte again-Bruce Streamline Flooring rdth the new Bruce Finieh.
rhe Superiority of Bruce Floor Finish For Refinishing Old Floors
The eame handsome, damage-reeietant ffnis[ u€d qa Sruce Streahline Flmring will smn be available for application to old flmm. Vith the complete line of Brue Finishes ud Vue hone ownen will be able to bring trew beauty to old faded flmm at a lower coat than by uy other nethod. Vatch for an announcement on the availabilitrofthe New Brue Flmr Ffnis.h line 8mn to apper.