6 minute read
Ganahl's Anaheim Yard Keen ls
One oI thc most interesting and attractivc of the srnall citl' lumber yards in Southcnr California is tl.rc one E,rnest G:rnah1 orvns and olrcratcs (,n one ,,f thc main thororifares of the bright cit-r' of Anal'rcim in ()range Corrntv. Nanre, E,rnest Ganahl Ltrnrber Comparr_r,. llcccntly he built a nc\\'office on one of the front corners of the place, s:Lme site as the olrl oltrce. It is srnall, yet one of the best lookirrg and most practical lumlrcr officcs lon ever s:r\v. Arcl'ritecturallv attractir e. as )()rl clur see frorn the picturc, it is brightlr- p:rintccl u'lritc, rrrrrl i-s room there is a spcciallv built centcr piece that the custolner can u'alk all around ancl looli or-er the displayed sttrff from all rlircctions. And on this center iriece there is iound thc rnost amazing linc of sidelines that go',ve11 u'ith brrilcline' material sales tha"t 1.ou evcr saw. Sell ? People conrc in and rvalli arorurri that display piece and look ovcr lliosc interesting lirrcs oi merchandise, and buy them continrrall-r'. Thcr- llnd thcre numerorrs uscful householtl things tlr:rt t1're1- ncvcr s.c anr-u-hcrc clse. To just give vorr atr irlea of l hlrt the cnterpri.ing ltuttlrcr merchant r-cr-r'ple:tsing to thc cr-e. (ln tlic insi<lc it is evcn lrcttcr.
-lhc front half is thc ol'fice, sales anrl clisplal' roonr. 'I'he back end is a vcry attracti"'e prir-ate office for the ou'ner.
Irr tl're center thcrc are servicc roonrs. I'he olficc brrilcling is equipped l'ith a central heating plant, and rritl'r :rir cor-rditioning. -Iher. arc reacl1' fur botl.r surnrrer anrl rvintcr in t1.r1. trsu' place. Attractive n'ood trim and paneling is used throughout, and the u-al1s arc ornamentallv <lone rvith various kinrls of the rvall proclucts thev sell.
Just outsitlc the nen' ,,Blce lruil,ling in thc m:rin driveu.a)'into thc r.ard they havc clone an unusu;rl displav trick that one of their emplol'ces thorrght out ancl built. It is a clispla,r' rack, a lean-to against one of the shecls, roofecl for the protection of the contents. This rrLck attracts the attentiorr of everyone u'ho passes tl.re r-arr1, as it is brightlv ar-rcl impressively pairrtc<i in several ncutriLl colors. Insicle it are shot'n variorrs t1,Pcs ancl sizes of fcnce pickets, iath, u'ire of larious kirrrls, r'egetable sticks, nretal lents, anci scr-era1 other sirlclincs, some of rvhich thev nr:rke in tl.rcir ou'n n.riil. This rack is son-rething lre\\r and smart.
Tn a corner of thcir nrill thev har-c:L spccizrl shc-rok nrill that cloes nothing but produce shool< 1:or citrus ir.11-1'r. ,,f lltat imrncdiatc tcrrit()rJ'.
C)I cottrse thel'clLrry in stock, arrcl all ttnder cover, thc a\-crage stock of Irrn'rber, roofings, u'allboarrls of various liinds, rock, ccnrcnt, grar-cl, lirne, plnLster, saslr aud rloors, etc. But it is in the front clisplay room of thc ncrv offrce that they really go to to\\'n. ITcre there is lr hcautiIrr1 linc of harrlrvrLre, all attractivclr' housccl in gootl looking' ,s11611- c:IScs; a tnost conrPlctc arrcl u-ell rlisPl:rve 11 stock of paint anrl painters' srrpplics (ther- carrv thc Iiuller & Smith line); lLnrl then in thc front center of this displav non' sells in rrclclitior-r to n'h:rt lurnber ancl orclinary lines of merchandisc he can get, l.rcre is at least a partial list of the things l'-rnest Ganalil rlisplavs and sells :
A big nest of rvooden <lorvels, from one-eighth of an ir.rch to onc and one-half inches in cliamctcr, and various lengths, mostlr- beech and maplc, rvhich people from the smallcst kicls rvho t'arrt toys to the profcssional carpenters, corlre in and buv frrr hundreds of lrurposes. The useftrlncss of this supplf is self-evident. 'I'1'rere is also: squeak relnovcr, rvallpaper cleaner, rvorm control supplies, upholstery cleaner, rcfrigcrator polish, tu'ine of larious kincls, rrlst remo\.er for cnanrel goods, cemcnt filler for porcelain tlrat is chippecl or cracked, metal polish, rvater proof glue for mending u oorl. sacldle soap, moth control strrff, u'oocl plastics for r.arious uses, n'oo11 clc'aners. penetrating oil, concrete clearrer, paint cleaners,.s.ooden crack fillers, sink cleaners, cookic cntters, metal polish, rug cleaners, fnrniture clealers, 1rrllishing cloths, auto polish, frrrnitnre polisl-r, rlrr- clcancrs, ant control equipment, spray guns, floor clearrcrs, floor n,ax, rock hard putty, glrres, fabric menders, u.:rshcrs, fabric sponges, drain clcaners, \\rall plugs, insecticicles for household use, plastcr patching outfits, harclivlLrc r-rovelties, rouncl corners of rr'oo<1, round corners of n.rct:rl, paint brrrsh cleaning orrtfits, pipc, various plastic srrpplies, steel rvool, screen dool s1-,rings, screen cloor grillcs, flr' srvatters.
Tl-rat isrr't all, but th:Lt's enough tr, give you an iclea that the u.artime lurnbcr yard sells a lot o[ things bcsicles lrrnrlrcr.
T[ you're driving through Arreheinr, go by and tal<c a look at the Ernest Ganahl Lumber Con-rpany plant. It rvill qir-e you ideas.
Enters Hardwood Brokerage Busincss Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Dinner
E. A. (Alex) Gordon,'one of the best known salesmen in the hardwood business in Northern California, has left the Strable Hardwood Company. Oakland, with which concern he has been associated for the past 17 yearc, and has started in .the hardwood brokerage business for himself.
His office is in the Sullivan Building, 1629 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland 12, and his telephone number is Gl-encourt 5838.
Alex has a host of friends in the lumber business throughout California who will wish him success in his new venture. The greater part of his present activities is in connection with supplying Government requirements.
Buys Timber
Harbor Plywood. Corp. of Aberdeen, Wash., has announced the purchase of a 15-year log supply from the timber holdings of the Pacific National Lumber Co. The arrangement involves about $2 million. E. W. Daniels, president of llarbor, said the stand which is located at National, Wash., near Mount Rainier, includes 165 million feet of timber, 25 miles of logging railway and l0 miles of truck road. Available also as the result of the purchase is 710 million feBt of adjacent Government, state,and private timber stands.
"The entire block, from which we can draw peeler log supply, has enough prime timber for more than a decade of operation and may be sufficient for 15 years," Mr. Daniels estimated. The fir stand is regarded by timber experts as one of the best in the Northwest.
Ncvy Tckes Over Lumbermen's Building in Scn Francisco
The United States Navy has taken over the Lumbennen's Building, 110 Market Street, San Francisco, and has notified the tenants that they must vacate their offices without delay.
The new addresses of Wendling-Nathan Company and Paramino Lumber Company, whose ofifices are in this building, will be given in the May 1 issue of this paper.
and Concat May 4
The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo will hold a dinner and concatena- .1 tion at the University Club, 614 South Hope Street, Los An- i'i geles, Thursday evening, May 4, 1944. ., t,;.j
Major Knox Manning, who has just returned from active *; duty in the Italian theater of war where he participated in the ,, American Sth Army landing near Salerno, will be the. guest ', speaker. '.
Dinner will be served at 6:30 p. m. and will be followed by I the concatenation. The San Diego District Hoo-Hoo Nine, :'" headed by Vicegerent Snark Frank Park, will be in charge of ",ftii the initiation. There will be a big class of Kittens. '. :i'
Dee Essley, vicegerent snark of the I-os Angeles Hoo-Hoo rilj district, and the committee, met this week to complete the i'i$ final arrangements for the meeting. ,n
Commissioned in Ncrvcl Resewe
Rodney B. Branson, son of Tom Branson, Melrose Lumbet y.y'v.lvv.L,^l'^l^v.rvgv
Co., Oakland, has beeu transferred from the Marine Corps l Reserve ,to the U. S. Naval Reserve. and received his com-, 'i mission as Ensign. He will report for training at the Univer- -::,, sity of Arizona, Tucson, oq May 15. Following his graduation '. ''; from the College of The Pacific at Stockton he went to Paris : Island, S. C. for boot camp training, and on completing this " lvas transferred to the Naw.
Reports Record Sqles in 1943
Reccird sales of $27,724,000 in 1943 are reported by Thg Mengel Company, largest producers of hardwood producfs. In 1942 sales were $23,343,000, .in l94l $18,702,000. Thesefigures are disclosed in Mengel's annqal report just issued.
Net profit f.or 1943, after charges and taxes,'totalled $748,000, equal after preferred dividends to $1.40.a common share, compared with $77b,000 and $1,45 a common share in 1942, according.to President Alvin A. Voit.
Buys Ycrd
L. R. Gordon, Chicago, fll., .contractor, has purchased the Scrim Lumber Company at Encino, and will operate it under the name of Encino Lumber Company. W. L. Cox, formerly with the Burbank Lumber Company at Burbank, is associated with Mr. Gordon.
We Beijieve
thct in spite ol predictions of severe postwcrr competition ol other ncrtericrls, lumber wilt keep its plcrce ag the mosl prccticcrl building mcrterial We also believe thcrt the retail lunber deirler will retcrin his importcrnt position qs dietributor to the consutrer.
Main Oftce and Yards
Denhison St. Whirf
Phone ANdover t)77-1O78