1 minute read
They're Complettly Machined, Precision-Made -- - to Meet tbe Dernands of Modern Bailding!
The trend in building is more and more toward partial prefabrication with more and more of operations being done in the factory before the item is brought to the job. These Douglas fir FACTRI-FlT* doorsavailable on special orderare right in line with the trend. They're pre-fit, trimmed, gained and bored or mortised _ with all the work done at the mill by high-speed precision tools. Savings on the job more than offset the slight additional cost !
Send for our new catalog showing the complete line of Douglas Fir interior doors, Tru-Fit entrance doors and new specialty items.
You can supply these Douglas fir FACTRI-FlT doors right nowtodayfor a limited range of essential jobs. When war restrictions are lifted, more and more of your customers will want them for every iob. They're durable, attractive, precision-made-and the line features modern, all-purpose 3-panel designs adaptable to every type of building. Stock and sell them for a more profitable postwar door business.
Kelley, Albert A' --- ---- ----------------------------- 7 CaliforniaPanel&V.,,"",Co.----------------------13{"clg carr & co., L. J. - _________________________.27 * Toste Lumber Company-----,-- --- ---29 C.tot"* Co"poi.tioi, The_____-___-_-____ Lamon-Bonnington Compa-ny--------------,----,--- 4 CobbCo.,T.M.'-_---.--_-.'----.---22Lumbermen'sCreditAssociation--_.'-------------+ Colotyle Corporation-- ,---------------,,--
I. E MARTIN Mcncging Editor
W. T. BI.ACK Advertiring Morogor