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'llonufocturer! ol Souglar 9i, &*b", ITHOLESALE LUMBER PILING PLY\TOOD
Truck, Car or Cargo Shippers
Telephone TVinoaks 2515
Ninth Avenue Picr, Oakland 4 Calif.
Form Subsidicry
La'ivrence Ottinger, presiclent, United States Plyrvood Corporation, announced on March 29 the formation of United States Plyrvood of Canada,'I-td., as a wholly-owned subsidiary to acquire Hay & Co., Ltd., of Woodstock, Ont., act as Hay's marketing agents, and also conduct an independent business in adhesives and other materials not heretofore marketed in Canada. Some of these r,vill be immediately available and others must arvait the end of the rvar. D. M. Rogers, formerly associated with Hay & Co., Ltd., will manage the new Canadian subsidiary.
Hay & Co. will continue manufacture of its full line of plywood, flat and fabricated, and its production rvill be enlarged by means of additional equipment. The company has acquired 44,000 acres of timberland in Haliburton County, Ontario. "As circumstances permit," Mr. Ottinger said, "IIay & Co. will enter into new activities, especially in the plastics field, having access to the researcl.r and developments of our organization in the United States."
Douglcs Fir Plywood, CS45-45
The U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, has published a pamphlet entitled Douglas Fir Plywood (Sixth Edition), Commercial Standard CS4545, which rvas accepted by the trade as its standard of practice for new production beginning January 27, 1945. Tl-re pamphlet is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. The price is 10 cents.
Lumber Alter War Is Booklet Theme
"Lumber After tl-re War: How Good? How much? Horv Long?" is the title of an article by S. R. Black, vice president of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, St. Paul, u'hich has just been publisl-red in booklet form by the American Forest Products Industries, Inc.
Nlr. Black discusses tl-rese vital questions in considerable detail, reaching conclusions, encouraging to distributors, dealers, builders and architects who may have been disturbed by pessimistic reports. Logging and lumber manufacture are hardly out of the pioneering stage, according to Ntr. Black who foresees the time rvhen new growth on forest lands will exceed present requirements, thus opening the way to the development of new and greater markets for wood.
Copies of this booklet are available on request to the American Forest Products Industries, Inc., 1319 Eighteenth Street, Northrvest, Washington 6, D. C..
Box Cqr' Demurrcrge Rates Ellective April I
The Interstate Commission in an effort to keep rolling stock moving at a livelier pace put into effect April 1, new penalty demurrage rates. When box cars are not unloaded before the expiration of free time, the penalties will be: For the first two days, $2.20 per car per day; for the third day, $5.20 per car per day;for the fourth day, $11.00 per car per day; and $16.50 for each succeeding day. Credits under the average agreement may only be applied against lhe $2.2O charges.