2 minute read
Rate-$2.50 per Column Inch. Minimum Charge $1.50
Want 4-inch MADISON or VONNEGUT.
Address Box C-1087, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Lumber Yard Managers
Old line lumber company operating yards and building supply stores in Central and Southern California has immediate openings for experienced managers and assistant managers. Attractive salary, bonus and insurance benefits. If you are seeking a permanent connection with the opportunities offered by a going, growing concern with definite postwar expansion plans, write about your experience and references, enclosing your photo.
Address Box C-1089, California Lumber Merchant 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Sawmill For Sale
Sawmill for sale. located in Northern Arizona. 20.000 feet, circular mill; logging equipment; Atkins Hassler eleqtric tree felling saw; trucks; trailers; cats. Planing mill; Shingle mill; cabins; timber permit and water right. In operation now and priced to sell for cash.
Address Box C-1088, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Mill For Sale
Redwood Shingle Mill for sale. 4 machine Deisel electric, complete with high line. With 2,000,000 ft. cold deck capacity. Long time timber contract with reliable well financed logger. Present owner selling on account of other interests which do not allow active management. Write or phone.
J. H. Bratlie Garberville.
For Sale
Old established lumber yard, Clearwater, Calif. Inventory at cost. Long lease.
Address Box C-1091, California Lumber Merchant. 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Position Wanted
Experienced stenographer, time keeper and general office clerk desires position with lumber company.
Address Box C-1092, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Oregon Sawmill For Sale
Circular, 45 M feet capacity;' complete equipment; edger; planer; Gerlinger carrier; 4-car sp,ur; 10 employees' houses; electric light plant; etc., etc.
Complete logging equipment; logging trucks; dozeri yarder; loader; main, haul back and guy lines; high lead blocks, etc.
Old growth Douglas Fir; 2,000 M feet timber bucked; 10,000 M feet stumpage. Some other timber available. Mill now operating. Total price $102,000.00. Principals only.
Twohy Lumber Co.
801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif.
Phone PRospect 8746
Lumber Yards For Sale
Two Southern California lumber yards for sale. See our tlassified advertisement in the April 1, 1945 issue. Formler lumber yard on main highway for lease. About 2f acres with plenty of buildings. $225.00 monthly, including taxes, interest and owner's residence. 10 miles from Los Angeles. No stock.
If you want to sell your lumber yard, let us know.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers
801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif.
Phone PRospect 8746
Portable Sawmill For Sale
"AMERICAN" circular sawrig, model No. 3, 56-inch saw; 46-ft. sectional carriage; 110-ft. track. Only 1,000,00O feet of logs have been cut on this rig since it was purchased new.
Complete used equipment to go with it consists of 75 H.P. boiler; 35 H.P. Willamette steam engine; 1100 gallon fuel oil tank; 1000 gallon water tank.
All of the foregoing complete ready to set up and run for $5,(D0 loaded on cars.
Twohy Lumber Co.,
801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif.
Phone PRospect 8746.
For Lease After The War
The site of the Exposition Lumber Yard, approximately 26,000 sq. ft., extending between Exposition and Jefferson Boulevards. Located on the North border'of The Baldwin Hills subdivision developments.
The only retail site in this territory with permits for both lumbe'r and heavy manufacturing.
Address J. T. Mann, 4512 W.16th Place Los Angeles 6, Calif.