3 minute read

Our Eternal Resource

Although the cry oI "Timber" echoes throughout the grecri lorests of the United Stcrtes in ever increcrsing tempo, timber tckes lirst plcce cmong the permcnent crrd prcrcticcrlly in' destructible resources oI our nction Timber owners pledge themselves to maintcin specilied arecs lor growing lorest crops <rnd to provide protection lrom lire, diseose cmd other lorces of destruction.

The lumber industry Possesses -lso ct distinct crdvcrntcrge over mcny wcrrtime proiects in that no costly chcrnge-over or re-tooling is necesscrry to return to pecrcetime produciion' When lincrl victory is at hcnrd the Pope & Tcrlbot mills witl be recrdy to supply the lumber needed for the gre<rt postwar construction.




Hold fast your dreams ! Within your heart

Keep one still, secret spot Where dreams may go And sheltered so, May thrive and growWhere doubt and fear are not.

O, keep a place apart, Within your heart, Where little dreams may go.

-Louise Driscoll.

The Seqrch

No one could tell me where my soul might be. I searched for God, but God eluded me. I searched my brother out, and found all three.

-B1ns5f Crosby.

The Open Road

The power to choose the work I do, To grow and have the larger view, To know and feel that I am free. To stand erect, not bow the knee; To be no chattel of the state, To be the master of my fate, To dare, to risk, to lose, to win, To make my own career begin, To serve the world in my own way, To gain the wisdo,m day by day, With hope and zest to climb, to rise, I call that PRIVATE ENTERPRISE.

-Herbert Casson, London.

A G.I. Reply

The mess sergeant said to the G.I.: "What's the idea of knocking the army food just because you found some sand in your spinach? Don't you love your country?', And the G.I. said: "Sure, but I don't have to eat it to prove it, do I?"


The stout lady at the restaurant table said to her equally stout companion: "How do you suppose that waitress knew we didn't want any butter?"

"Stonewcll" Iqckson's Code

"Say as little of yourself as possible. Fix upon a high standard of action and character. Sacrifice your life rather than your word. Let your principal object be the discharge of your duty. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail, what you resolve."


Heaven, I think, would not be great or strange, Nor shining with a glitter of all gold; There'd be no noise of cymbals or of harps, But only things we knew and loved of old. Reading our books, and having tea at five, Smiling across the table at dear faces, Horses and dogs, and lamplight on the snow, And having people in-and going places.-Anon.

His Dreams Cqme True

When he wandered around the country as a young and unknown architect, Ralph Adams Cram used to say, .,There ought to be better looking churches around here." Obeying his creative urge, unable to see a need without doing something to supply it, he began making drawings which he sent to congregations with notes containing some such words as these: "Church proposed for such and such a site.,' It was surprising how rnany churches were built as a result of planting the clearly defined idea in the minds of church people. Naturally, Mr. Cram became the foremost church architect in the country.

A Sure loser

If you get up earlier than your neighbor, and work harder, and scheme more and stick to your job more closely and stay up later planning how to make more money than your neighbor, and burn the midnight oil planning how to get ahead of him while he is snoozing, not only will you leave a lot more money when you die than he does, but you will leave it a whole lot sooner.

Living Simply

By Grace Noll Crowell

I shall strive to live sincerely Thru the years that lie ahead; I shall face the days serenely, I shall ask for daily bread; For clear watar, and for shelter, I shall pray that I may grow Wiser, kinder as f journey

Down the paths my feet must go.

\ltlhct, None?

First Shopper: "flello, you seem to be busy."

Second Shopper: "Yes, I'm trying to get something for my husband."

First Shopper: "O, yes. I've met him. Have you had any gffers?"

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