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Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany

Revised Directory of Membership

Portland, Oregon, April 4-A revised Directory of Membership dated March 15, 1945 has just been published by the Western Pine Association, superceding the issue that has been'current since May l, 1944. In the new issue the listings of the individual mills that are mem,bers of the Association have been revised or corrected in a,ccordance rvith the latest information reported for each operation. A number of new members are included, making the listings quite complete and up-to-date. The names of member mills, located in ten Western states and- British Columbia, are listed alphabetically by states. In the directory the information given is arranged and tabulated for convenience of reference. It shows the location of individual plants ; the estimated capacity of. mills for one S-hour shift; the addresses of sales offices and the percentage of production of Idaho White Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine and associated species. The data given in tabular form indicate the nature of the products of each operation listed, classified either as staple items or factory products and specialties that are manufactured and handled. Copies of the latest Directory of Membership will be sent without charge by the Western Pine Association, 51O Yeon Building, Portland 4, C)regon.

Los Angeles Visitor

K. C. Hopey, General Hardwood Company, Tacoma, was a recent Los Angeles visitor on his way back froln a business trip t_o the Southern states

Announces New Appointments

Chicago, April 7-Three appointments made by the board of directors to fill newly created offi,ces in American Lumber & Treating company were announced today by the Chicago firm. Following resignation of H. B. Horton, Chicago Bridge & Iron company, from the position of vicepresident and treasurer, H. H. Humphreys was elected secretary-treasrlrer by the board; J. Gardner Coolidge and Paul Wayman \\.ere named vice-presidents.

Both Mr. Humphreys and Mr. Wayman came to the Chicago office of the lumber treating concern in 1938. Mr. Humphreys has had cl.rarge of accounting matters since he joined the company at that time, and until his recent advancement was secretary and assistant treasurer. Mr. Wayman has been general superintendent of plants since 1938, and before'that was in charge of West Coast operations for the company.

Mr. Coolidge, eastern district manager for AL&T since 1939, is located at the Boston office of the company, and has been a member of the ,board of directors since 1941.

Western Timber

Ceiling prices for privately owned 'ivestern timber hereafter are to ,be based on the prices at which publicly owned tracts are sold by the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture or the Department of Interior, OPA announces. (Amendment 3 to MPR 460, effective April 12.)

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