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UR hearty congratulations to.the millions of patriotic retailers who so enthusiasticallythelped to put over the 6th War Loan ! Congratulations also to the thousands whose dramatic and brilliantly designed window displays did much to boost 'War Bond sales. Each Window Display Contest entry is now being given careful consideration by the judges. Watch your business and trade papers for an announcement of the winning displays.

Our full appreciation, too, for your store- wide bond selling efforts-the organization and outstanding work of the Third Armyand liberal contribution of advertising space to sell the 6th !

There's no better way to start the New Year than by speeding Victory with increased War Bond sales. Christmas gift money and bonus checks can make January a record month for'War Bonds. Every War Bond you and your Third Army sell helps G. I. Joe finish the job faster*and come home sooner!

CPA Buys Lumber for Lend-Lease Shipment

The following specification, totaling 28,800,000 bd. ft. of Douglas Fir Rough, was purchased by the Central procuring Agency at Portland, Ore., on Mar,ch 29 for LendLease shipment to Great Britain, in April, N{ay and June, 1945:

76,m,000 bd. ft., 2,,x3't to 2,,x77,, R/w, R/L, 6/24 f:eet.

10,800,000 bd. ft., 3,tx4,, to 3"x12", R/w, R/L, g/32 feel.

1,800,000.bd. ft., 4,,x4" to 4"x17" R/W, R/L, g/32 f.eet.

Grade: No. 2 Common, No. 1 Common, Select Merchantable, and Select Structural, allowing Paragraph 2I5, 3Al and 342, and to allow up to l5/o No. 3 Common. Will also allow l0/a Hemlock throughout.

Prices: Per Export l2 list, rvhich is considerably above the Domestic price.

The above lend-lease specification is only the first installment, as it is understood that total lend-lease placements will amount to at least 100,000,000 bd. ft., this in addition to orders previously authorized for 30,0OO prefabricated houses for shipment to England, requiring 164 million board feet of lumber.

Additional lumber that has been authorized for reconstruction u'ork in E,urope is as follows :

5,000 prefabricated barracks for dock rvorkers in France, requiring 23,400,WO bcl. ft.

5,600,000 bd. ft. for dike repairs in Holland.

4,750,N0 bd. ft. additional for occupied countries.

Ralph W. C. Shull

Ralph W. C. Shull, former retail lumberman, passed away at his home in Beverly Hills on N{arch 23. He .was 59 years of age.

He operated the J. & W. C. Sliull ,fnc., yards at Bell, Alhambra and Encino .ivhich he sold several years ago, and retired from the lumber business. lle tvas a former president o{ the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce. His father, the late W. C. Shull, \vas one of the founders of the lumber company.

He is survived by his widorv, Nfrs. Marion Gillette Shull; his mother, Mrs. Alta J. Shull; a son, Willard C.; a daughter, Edith, and a sister, X{rs. H. C. Bonsall. Funeral services were held at Beverly Hills on March 27.

Digest of New War Agency Regulations

Price Ceilings Plcrced on Used Lumber

Washington, D. C., March 28Used lumber prices, which have skyrocketed in some areas to levels exceeding ceilings of equivalent grades of new material, will be placecl under dollar-and-cent ceilings as the result of a pricing order issued today by the Office of Price Administration. This order authorizes regional and district administrators to establish specific ceilings on used lumber. The new OPA order is effective April2, 1945.

The exact ceilings must be posted in dealers' yards at so many dollars per 1,000 feet, board measure, according to the order.

Southern Pine

The OPA announces that premiums whi,ch were authorized prior to Jan. 15 for Southern pine lumber producers are ,being restored for extra standard thickness boards and dimension lumber when dressed l/76 inch or more thicker than American lum,ber standard, with the exception of inch boards, which are still needed by the military services. (Amendment 8 to Second Revised MPR-19, effective April 4).

Veneer Mills

OPA advises that veneer mills need not continue filing copies of invoices covering purchases of veneer logs with their OPA district offices. (Amendment 2 to Second Revised MPR-313, effective April 2).


Producers of tight laminated barrels, laminated staves and headings must apply to the OPA for ceiling prices on their products, the OPA announces. (Amendment 5 to MPR 424, effective April 9.)

Wood Pipe

OPA advises that five types of wood pipe will be re_ moved from price control Aptil 2. (Amendment 15 to SuD_ plementary Order 45, effective April 2.)




For kitchens, bothrooms, qnd commerciql instqllqtionswherever o high-sheen, edsy-lo-cleqn qnd duroble surfoce is desired. Equolly suitqble for new construction ond remodeling; opplied over existing wolls, regordless of condition.

Aggrerrivcly odvertised, to ot3ure deolers of consitlenl cualomel demqnd.


California Springtime

4. SUttcr 2668

There are whispering winds in the treetops, The fragrance of cedar and pine, And the soul of all nature beguiling, Sings low to the soul that is mine; For springtime is weaving her magic Through valleys and canyons and hills, And down in the wooded arroya Is heard the soft murmur of rills.

And here is a respite. from winter And cares that make weary the way, The mountains srnile down on the valleys, The shadows with warm sunbeams play. And into the hush of the twilight, The song of a bird breaks and thrills, To stir with its magical sweetness, The heart that with ecstacy thrills.

Ilere autumn is followed by springtime

For this is a winterless land, From the green, sunny slopes of the foothills To ocean's cool, shimmering sand. There are only the clouds and the flowers, The drip of the life-giving rain, The whispering winds in the treetops And lo, spring is with us again.

A. Merriam Conner.

812 E.59rh STREEI, LOS ANGEIES I ADom: 810l

\7oody Says---

Since food can nolv be made of wood, landlords rvho ofier "Room and Boarcl" may soon be speaking literally. Nazi soldiers on the eastern front sleep underground in community log shelters. The Russians approve the idea, say it saves burial expense.

New York City claims to have more trees-21 millionthan any other American city. It also has 301,850 dogs. Add to new uses of wood-small rvedges for propping rvobbly legs on restaurant tables. A genius rn'ho devised them says they keep him from running out of paper match folders.

The Army saves 250,000 board feet of lumber per 100 miles by using square telephone poles. It's not true that Government efficiency men are trying'to grow square trees. Foresters report that porcupines eat synthetic rubber tires for the alcohol they contain. Maybe so, but try telling it to your ration board.

Wildlife experts say the deer bot fly, which travels at 818 miles an hour, is the world's fastest creature. Our money goes on most any logger when the cook bangs that gut hammer.

Moves OIIice

Effective April 1, 1945, the American Lumber & Treating Co. moved its Los Angeles office to the Chamber of Commerce Building, 1151 South Broadway, Los Angeles 15. The.telephone number remains the same-PRospect 4363.

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