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How Lumber Loolcs
Lumber shipments of 473 mills reporting to the National Lumber Trade Barometer were 6.2 per cent above production for the week March 24, 1945. In the same week new orders of these mills were 36.5 per cent more than production. Unfilled order files of the reporting mills amounted to 109 per cent of stocks. For reporting softwood mills, unfilled. orders are equivalent to 39 days' production at the current rate, and gross stocks are equivalent to 34 days' production.
For the year-to-date, shipments of reporting identical mills exceeded production by 9.2 per cent; orders by 16.6 per cent.
Compared to the average corresponding week of 19351939, production of reporting mills was 14.5 per cent greater; shipments were 10.8 per cent greater; and orders were 42.9 per cent greater.
The Western Pine Association for the week ended March 24, 1O7 mills reporting, gave orders as 90,546,00O feet, shipments 60,501,000 feet, and production 56,787,m0 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled345,499,000 feet.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended, March 24, 86 units (135 mills) reporting, gave orders as 19,255,06 feet, shipments 17,771,000 feet, and production 16,849,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 136.923.@0 feet.
The California Redwood Association for the month of
Advertiring Bcler on Applicctiol
Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Meeting April 23
The next meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club will be held at the lJniversity Club,614 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Monday noon, April 23. Lunch will be served at 12:19 p.m. The meeting had been scheduled for April 12 but was postponed to the later date.
Commander A. W. Scott, who was the first combat pilot in World War II of the British Royal Navy Air Service, world traveler and radio commentator, will be the speaker. His subject will be "A Graphic Word Picture of the War in the Pacific."
Wooden Shipping Contciners
Preference rating order P-140, governing ratings for wooden shipping containers, has been amended to conform with other container division orders, the WPB reports. Schedule A attached to order P-14O was revised and ratings of AA-1, AA-2X, AA-3, AA-4 and AA-5 rvere assigned to deliveries of wooden shipping containers for specified USCS.
February, 1945, reported production of as 31,057,000 feet, shipments 33,037,000 ceived 36397,0@ feet. Orders on hand month totaled 94,155,000 feet.
thirteen operations feet, and orders reat the end of the
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended March 31, 163 mills reporting, gave orders as 123,950,000 feet, shipments 111,763,000 feet, and production 97,457,W feet.
Victory in Europe is imminent. Let's Bond purchcses to conclude the lcrpc victoriously! Our return to the dcys you cnd your bonds.