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Friday, April 27, ls Date of Revetlle; Hotel
Claremont, Berkeley, ls The Place
General Chairman Norm Cords reports that all arrangements are completed for the l3th Annual Reveille to be held at Hotel Claremont, Berkeley, on Friday evening, April 27.
Tom Hogan III, entertainment ,committee chairman, has worked hard to secllre the finest talent available for the show, and in spite of the difficulties involved has been successful.
Dinner r,r'ill be served at the traditional time, 6:39 p.m., in the Hotel's Spanish Ballroom, and all holders of tickets will be the guests of the Club for free drinks at their own private refreshment rendezvous.
Tickets are obtainable from the co-chairmen of the ticket sales committee, Albert A. Kelley, 2832 Windsor Drive, Alameda, LAkehurst 2-2754; Everett Lewis, Gamerston & Green Lumber Co., 2ffi1 Livingston Street, Oakland 6, KEllog 4-1884, also from D. N. Cords, c/o Wendling-Nathan Co., 564 Market Street, San Francisco 4, SUtter 5363 or from any lfoo-Hoo Club No. 39 director. They
Dcrvidson Plywood d Veneer Compcny Tcrkes Additioncl Wcrrehouse Spcce
Davidson Plywood & Veneer Company. 2435 Enterprise Street, Los Angeles, has acquired new warehouse space amounting to 15,000 square feet at nZZ-2026 Sacramento Street, for plywood storage.
Their former storage warehouse is being used for manufacturing. They are engaged in the re-working of plywood droppable fuel tanks, and-are also making airborne container noses for the Navy.
Norman Davidson, Jr., head of this concern, announces that within the next 90 days they witl have hardwood plywood reasonably priced, and in sizeable quantities, for sale to lumber dealers.
They have just completed remodeling their offices. The general office is paneled in African Mahogany, the private office in Walnut, and new indirect lighting has been installed.
are $4.75 each, including taxes. The attendance is limited to 350.
Frank Teakle, chairman of the finance committee, reports the usual gene'rous response from the wholesale and retail lumbermen who support this annual get-together affair year after year.
Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, East Bay lumbermen's organization, has sponsored the Reveille since its in,ceptio.n.
Moves Executive Olfices
United States Plywood Corporation announces that its executive offices have been moved to the Weldwood Building, 55 West 44th Street, New York 18, N. y. The new telephone number is MUrray Hill 2-1900.
The company's warehouse at 616 West 46th Street will continue in operatiorr.
George W. Kennedy Hcs 5 Sons In The Air Force
George W. Kennedy, well known wholesale lumber and box shook dealer, Fresno, Calif. has five of his seven sons in the Air Force. The three oldest are Sergeants, and the two youngest are pilots with the rank of Lieutenant.
Mr. Kennedy also has a son-in-law in the Navy.
Lumber Industry Given Facts On European Shipments
The following letter was recently addressed to the industry by J. Philip Boyd, director, WPB Lumber and Lumber.Products Division:
There are apparentlir being circulated a great many rumors regarding the extent of this country's extension of aid to foreign countries involving lumber and prefabricated housing for rehabilitation. Some of these rumors have reached fantastic proportions, and anyone giving credence to them can probably find good reason to become worried about our own domestic supply. I should like to have you circulate this statement to your branch of the industry to give it the true facts of the situation.
Up to this time, and with no additional demands foreseen for the immediate future, the amount of lumber or prefabricated lumber items which has been authorized for these purposes is an extremely small part of our total supply. For the purposes of dike repair in Holland 5,600,000 board feet has ,been authorized. For the construction of barracks to house workers at the French ports which our armed services are using, there has been aliocated ?3, 400,000 board feet of lumber to be fabricated into barracks in this country. These two items are quite directly connected with our own military operations.
About one-third of England's dwellings have been destroyed or damaged, which destruction is continuing. During the war, construction of homes in Britain has been virtually at a standstill. With the swollen populatioh, the situation is desperately acute. Britain needs a minimum of 500 thousand temporary dwellings now and immediately after the end of hostilities in Europe. They are preparing to make the vast bulk of these themselves. To help tide them over the emergency, 30 thousand such units have been authorized to be prefabricated in this country during the next seven months, and those units contain no lumber except the actual structure ; sheathing, siding, roofing.", etc., are of materials other than lumber.
The total amount of lumber involved, including the millr,vork and flooring, is less than 164 million feet. The total number of units for which lumber is allocated is 30 thousand-not ten times this number as has been reported by some sources where an extra zero was apparently added.
In addition, about 80 million feet of lumber is to be sent to England for repair of bombed-damaged existing tures. Canada is sending a much larger amount.
A total of 4,750.000 feet has been authorized for struccertain previously occupied ,countries for the repair of damage r.vreaked by the evacuating Nazi armies.
A1l these items total less than 300 million feet or less than one percent of our total production in this country. The hardwood flooring involved in the British housing is 10 percent of the hardwood flooring production. The millwork involves less than 5 percent of the lumber allotted to the millwork industry. In addition, all lumber items are specified to be supplied in species and grades so as to constitute a minimum conflict with war and essential civilian requirements.
I do not believe this constitutes an unfair or unreasonable demand on our forest economy in view of the desperate needs which it is partially serving.
Eubcrnk Sqves Government More Thcn Million Dollcrs On Reclciming
L. H. Eubank & Son, wholesale millwork manufacturers, Inglewood, but now entirely occupied in rvar work, were recently awarded the contract for the reclaiming of oil and fuel cell boxes for the West Coast, which establishes them as the West Coast depot for the handling of all Government-owned fuel cell boxes.
These are the boxes in which bullet-proof gas tanks are shipped to the aircraft plants and all the battle fronts, and many of the original boxes were made by this firm.
The amount of plywood reclaimed from June, 1943 to March l, 1945, was more than 8l million square feet; lumber reclaimed, more than four million feet; corrugated boxes reclaimed, nearly 900,000 square feet, a total of about l3l million square feet. Nails saved, 250,000 1bs. Man hours saved, 125,000. Total amount of saving, $1,078,581.00.
Fire Damages Millwork Plcnts
Fire destroyed the plants of the Moulding Sttppll' Q6. and John M. Anslinger & Son at Alhambra on April 7. Both firms 'lvere working on war orders. They rvill rebuild as soon as oossible.
Ken OT{eill Prisoner oI War
W. H. O'Neill, O'Neill Lumber Co., ceived tl-re good news April l, from the that his son, Kgnneth, recently reported many, is a prisoner of war.
San Francisco, reWar Department, missing over Ger-