3 minute read

This Will Be a Profitable Line

One oI the best prospects lor a prolitcrble postwcrr line oI ply'rvood |or the lumber dealers is exterior Douglcrs Fir plyvrood.

You will be able to sell this lor innumercrble outdoor uses, in' cluding siding on lcrgre lrcme buildings.

Then there is the boct market. This is the perlect mqterial for crll kinds oI boats, and will be used in qucrntity by both prolessional crnd amcrteur bocrt builders.

We cqn't tell you yet when it will be crvcrilable, but we hope it won't be too long.

Directions 1 to 5 of Order L-335 Amended Lumber Operators in El Dorado County

Washington, D. C., March 3l-To make certain that all lumber purchase orders given military preference by sawmills actually are for lumber to be used by the services, the War Production Board has tightened control over distributors' purchases for inventory replacement, the agency announced today.

Directions 1 through 5 to the lumber control order, L-335, as amended today, prohibit the extension of certifications of the Central Procuring Agency, U. S. Corps of Engineers, to obtain lumber for replacing inventory sold on these certifications.

Species covered by the directions are: Direction 1Douglas fir, 'ivhite fir, Noble fir, Sitka spruce, and West Coast hemlock (except aircraft grades of Sitka Spruce and Noble fir) ; Direction 2-western pine; Direction 3-California reclwood; Direction 4-southern yellorv pine ; and Direction S--red and yellor,v cypress.

The directions require sawn.rills larger than specified sizes (measured in average daily output) to give military orders precedence over all other orders except those rated AAA, up to specified percentages of their anti.cipated monthly shipments. Military orders are defined as (1) orders for the account of the United States placed by the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, United States Illaritime Commission and War Shipping Adrninistration; those placed by the Procurement Division of the Treasury Departrnent as agent for the Foreign Economic Administration ; and (2) orders for other ac,counts placed by distributors when such orders bear certifi,cation of CPA that they are military orders.

Formerly, distributors were permitted to extend the CPA certification both to obtain lumber to fi1l the purchase orders, and to replace inventory with an amount of lumber equrivalent to that used to fill these orders.

As amended today, the directions require distributors rvho rvish to replace inventory rvith lumber of the type that CPA rvould be interested in buying from distri,butors to send their purchase orders to the nearest CPA office for certification and placement. Orders certified and placed by CPA rvill receive preferential treatment by sawmills. For all other replacement of inventory, distributors may now use only the general certification provided for in Order

Starting 1945 Season

Lumbermen of El Dorado County are scheduling the start of.logging operations in several sections of the county between April 1 and the early part of NIay. Expected cuts for the 1945 season are estimated close to last year's log scale or slightly better.

The five logging camps of the Placerville Lumber Company planned to start around the first of April and the mills at Fresh Pond, Sly Park and Tahoe Valley rvere expected to start on April 10. A cut of 5O million board feet during the season will approximate last year's production, Manager Harvey West stated.

Swift Berry, manager of the Michigan-California Lumber Co., said his company planned to start logging in midApril. The company's planned cut is 25 million board feet in 1945. At the present time, 140 men are employed rn the box factory and shipping plant in Camino.

C. G. Price, manag'er of The California Door Company, stated, rveather conditions permitting, logging operations n'onlcl start around April 1. Mill operations are expected to start about mid-April. Mr. Price says the company will try for a cut of 28 million board feet this year.

M. J. Ferrari, rvho operates the Ferrari Lumber Company, says he expects his usual cut of 10 million ,board feet this season. Logging and mill operations were to start around the first of April.

The camp of Blair Brothers Lumber Co. will open next month, while logging is expected to start early in May.

Nearly a score of smaller lumber companies and operators in the county are ltreparing also to start operating and producing lumber for the rvar effort.

L-335, and lun.rber so purchased is not entitled to the preferential treatment established for military orders.

The change in procedure established by the amended clirections is designed to replace distribrrtors' inventory rvith the types of lum,ber sold to CPA-that is, with lumber adaptable to military requirements, WPB said.

Principal CPA offices are at Charlotte, N. C., Memphis, Tcnn. ; Atlanta, Ga. ; I-exington, Ky.; Jacksonville, Fla. ; Nerv Orleans, La. ; Nen' York, N. Y.; Portland, Ore., and San Francisco, Calif.

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