2 minute read
UIGTl| R frigh Early Sttength PORTIAND
Guqrcrnteed to meet or exceed requirements ol Americcnr Society lor Testing Mcrtericls Specificc' tions lor High Eqrly Strength Portlcnd Cement, qs well cs Federal Specificctions lor Cement, Portlcrnd, High-Ecrly-Strengrth, No. E-SS-C-20Ic.
(28 day concrete strengths in 2d hours.)
(Result oI compound composition crnd usuclly lound only in specicrl cements designed lor this purPose.)
(Extremely severe cruto-clcrve test results consistently indiccrte prccticcrlly no expcrnsion or contrcction, thus elimincting one oI most .li{ficult problems in use oI cr high ' ecrly strength cement.)
On Two Fronts
We of Slqnton on the home fronf, now in our 5lsl yeqr of service to the lumber industry, pledge ogoin our utmosl efforts to bock the cttcck.
(Users' crssurqnce oI lresh stoclc unilormity cnd proper results lor concrete.)
Mcrnulcrctured by cl our Victorville, Calilorcic, "Wet Proceee" MilI.
Pitcher Disappearing Doors
Announcement is made by E. C. Pitcher Company, 608 16th Street, Oakland 12, that they have on hand a stock of Pitcher Improved Disappearing Doors and Hangers at their factory in Hayward, Calif.
fn order to help installation they ship the frame set up complete, which joins with a 3fi-inch stud, making no extra thickness for a sliding door, but making a great saving of floor space.
Pitcher sliding door hangers have now been on the market more than 20 years, and it is ,claimed that they have n.ot had to make any replacements.,
Detail sheets will be furnished to the lumber trade on request. The telephone number is Glencourt 3990.
Used Lumber
Individual authorization may be granted to sell used lumber that has been acquired this yeat at current ceiling prices subject to adjustment to in,creases that may be granted later in the area of the sale or delivery, the OPA announces. (Order 51, Section 1499,191t of the GMPR, effective April 7.)
With A. C. Pascoe
John Bluett is now with A. C. Pascoe, Los Angeles, hardwood mill representative, as assistant, succeeding E. E. Sitze, who is in the Army. He is a graduate of Santa Clara University with the degree of B.Sc.
Newg of Our Friends in the Services
Pvt. Raymond R. Haley, Jr., son of Raymond Sr. of Haley Bros., wholesale sash, door and dealers, Santa Monica, is taking a special Army Fort Benning, Ga.
' Carpenter's mate formerly of the sales Pasadena, took part the Philippines.
R. Haley millwork coure at
3/c Jerry Thompson, Navy Seabees, department of the Sampson Cornpany, in the Leyte invasion and is now in
B. M. 2/c John Klass, USN amphibious cently in San Francisco on his way to the is a son of Herb Klass, assistant to the Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, erly with the company himself.
Ensign Bob Hoover, IJSN, son of A. L. "Gus" Ifoover, Los Angeles lum,berman, was in San Francisco recently on his way to the Far Eastern war theater.
Lieut. John Robinson, bombardier in a Air Force, stationed in the Netherlands just about completed his missions when His group has specialized in bombing oil has received the Air Medal. lfe was Compton yard of the San Pedro Lumber listed three years ago.
E. E. Sitze, for the past nine years assistant to A. C. Pascoe, Los Angeles, Pacific Coast representative of hardwood lumber and veneer mills, is now in the Army. He is taking basic training in Texas.
Pvt. Schuyler Lewis, son of Everett Lewis, Gamerston & Green Lumber Co., Oakland, norv a parachutist, was home on leave recently, and has reported back to Fort Benning, Georgia. He will be a full-fledged Paratrooper r,vhen he makes his first combat ju-p.
Ray Parcher, formerly employed at of San Pedro Lumber Co.. is overseas forces, was reFar East. He president, The and was formB-24 in the 13th East Indies, had last heard from. installations. He employed at the Co. when he enthe Compton yard with the Seabees.