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The Best Quality-Service Talk I Ever Fleard.
I have often been asked what is the best actual lumber rales talk I ever heard of, and I always tell them thir story. Itts hre, every word of it. The man who made it ir a well known rnanufacturer and wholesaler today, and one of the be* sale$nen I ever hew.
This man was in Chicago on busines. He had to rtay over Sunday. .A Ctricago man, a very large lumber buyer who was "batchingft at the time, asked my friend to have Sunday breakfast with him. He accepted. The Chicago buyer took him to the Blackrtone Hotel, where they rat and ate their breakfart in luxuriqrs leilre.
After while rorne rhop ralL developed, and the Chicago buyer eaid:
"My friend, why ir it that in rpite of the fact t[at I alwayr rend you my inquirier for lumber, I celdom get a chance to buy from you for the reason that you are alwayr so much higher ttan anyonc elre? kntt there a mirtake romewhere in rrour being conrtandy above the othcr bidderr for my burinec?"
Whcreat my friend replied: "No rir! No mirtake about THAT. But if you cvcr ask me for a bid and I DON'T bid higher than the ordina4' nrn, THEN you'll how I've nedc a burt."
"For Heavenr reke, erplain yotnrclfr" laid Sc Chicago buycr.
"I'll do it " raid my friend. ttWhcrc arc wc cating breakhrt? Wc paid fifty entr each for therc potr of coffec, and a dollar and a half for thh 'ham -ith eggr.' Didntt wc? Surcl Yet right down the rtrect hcre a few blocks I can rhow you a rcrtaurant where rye car get an excellent orp of coffee, with jurt as good rugar and cream as thir, for a dime. Ha'n and egcs in that rertaurant cort thirty-five centr. The ham ir Swift'r premium, just ar good a.r moncy can buy, and the egg! arc jtut ar good and fresh as t{rere we are eating. But wetre not eating at that lunch codnter are we? Certainly not! We're eating our ham and eggr and coffee in the Blaclctone Hotel, aren't we? and WHY? Because we like the SERVICE we get here, and we like to do business with this cort of an institution, and we'rc -illiog to pay for it, and BY GAD SIR THAT'S WHAT YOU PAY FOR WHEN YOU BUY FROM ME.''
Can you beat it for a quality-service sales talk?