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Color-Thatch Features Portland's Building Show
Model Bungalow Featuring Color-Thatch
"The Biggest Building Show ever staged in the Northwest," is the unanimous verdict of the thousands who attendded the third annual Home Beautiful Exposition, held at Portland, Oregon the week of April 9th to 14th.
Hundreds of live building prospects have been lined up by Portland Realtors, under whose auspices the Show was given. At the present rate of building, and basing t'he building for the 'balance of the year on the present prospects, Portland will again break her building record for the second successive vear.
Fascinating exhibits of every character from grass seed and kitchen sinks up to a model bungalow, equipped in minute detail with the latest standard materials and furnishings featured the show.
This bungalow, built by H. R. Kibler, one of the Realtors, was 18 by 3O feet in size, and was situated on the stage of the Municipal Auditorium, where the show was held, and was plainly visible from every point in the Auditorium.
The most distinctive feature of the bunqalow. and probably of the whole show, was the mottled Color-Thatch roof with which the Bunqalow was covered. The Color-Thatch was composed of 16 in.-S-Z Per{ect grade Red Cedar
Shingles, entirely stained with Cabot's Cresosote stain, and were furnished by The Williams Stained Shingle Company of Vancouver, Washington. The mottled effect was obtained by mixing the shingles, which were stained light and dark moss green, in random fashion.
"The roof simply compelled attention and attention compelled admiration," according to J. S. Williams of the Williams Stained Shingle Company, and was an excellent testimonial to the right use and proper handling of a forest product. The fact was emphasized to the thousands visiting the Shou' that such a beautiful effect is obtainable with no other roofing material.
Another fact which was demonstrated, and which builders were hardly able to believe until they had seen the figures, was that this Color-Thatch roof built of Per'fect edge-grain shingles, cost no more laid than for one of the so-called cheap Extra Star-A-Star grade of shingles, because of the fac't that the Perfect grade Color-Thatch can be laid lrorn I in. to an inch more to the weather, rthus economizing both the shingle cost and labor cost from 10 to 20 per cent.
Ths annual Home Beautiful Exposition is now an "institution" in Portland and the Northwest.
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