1 minute read
MachineDipped CabotsStained SHINGLES
Over 7 5't" of the homes erected in the East use Dipped Shingles. Th.y do it because long experience has proved this to be the best way to prepare a shingle roof for long service.
Your customers can now have the superior machine dipped Cabot Stained Shingles at a price that is most attractive.
These Shingles are dipped in the bundle by machinery at the plant of Hanawalt Spaulding and are the famous Red Brand. British Columbia, Red Cedar Shingles.
Six Colors in Stock tr or Immed,iate Deliaery
Two greens, two browns, Red and Gray are in ,to* r]i*, us ready for delivery the day your orders are received.
Sell better roofs-you'll make better customers and better pro6ts. That's sound business.
Write us for full details of our special propo'sition for Lumber Dealers.
Special Announcement
Messers. Clare E. C/csby and A. Wardman, a prominent Southern California oil man, have purchased the lnterest held by Mr. EIIwood De Garmo and associalCI, in lfiis companY.

A more extensive policy will be effecteil by this change- in ownership, and we sincerely solicit your indulgence in ang requirements you may hsve in our lines. Your pcst pabonage is greatly appreciated and trust you wiII allow us to co-operate with you in future.
Our stocft is now being greatlg increaseil and within a few days will be at your command.
Last, but not least, don't forget our slogan still remaiins lhe same: "SPEED GEIS 'EM", and we wiII not disappoint you.