1 minute read
In thp Oldest Shingle Contest
Mr. E. D. Tennant, Chairman' 355 Pacific Electric Bldg., [.os Angeles.
Mr. F. L. Morganr 614 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
Mr. Henry Riddiford, 615 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
A great deal of interest is being manifested in the contest to 6nd the oldest wooden shingle actually in use on a roof in California, and likewise to find the oldest Red Cedar Shingle actually in use on a roof in California. The Santa Fe Lumber Company, of San Francisco, believes this will be the biggest contest for lumbermen ever attempted in the state.
Every lumber dealer is invited to get started in HIS town, and try to dig up the prize shingle or shingles. Remember, a prize of $75 is offered for the oldest Red Cedar or Redwood shingle; a prize of $25 for the second oldest; a prize of $75 for the oldest Red Cedar Shingle; a prize of $25 for the second oldest. Should the oldest shingle prove to be a Red Cedar, the prize will be double, $150; second prize, double, would be $50.
Here is a reproduction of a very clever advertisement run by G. W. Merwin, Manager, the Newman Lumber Co., Neman, California, in The Newman Index, in this shingle contest.
The rules of the contest will be found on the opposite page.
Every California dealer is urged to enter the contest, and try to win the prize for HIS town.
Offered for the arrest and conviction of the OLDEST WOODEN SHINGLE that has been guilty of actual continuous service on some roof in the State of California.
For the second oldest shingle found. We hope that we can locate that shingle in this district but if we do not, we are offering
$1O.OO REWARD for the oldest SHINGLE found in this vicinity.
The Shingle it.
We as retail for it.
Whv This Offer Is Made
Manufacturer wants this shingle and is willing to pay for distributors of shingles want it and are also willing to pay
What For)
To demonstrate to the publi c that the wooden SHINGLE is the CHEAPLST and most DURABLE roof covering Judges
The judges published later. For further
'lry'. MERWIN, Mgr.