1 minute read
'We offer $75 first prize for the oldest Red' wood or Red Cedar shingle; $25 for second oldest.
We are also authorized to offer the same prizes for the oldest and second oldest Red Cedar Shingles in California. A total of $200 cash shingle prizes.
Rules of Gontest
l. All entries must be submitted by a retail lumber company located in California; all shingles submitted to remain the property of the Santa Fe Lumber Company.
2. No two shingles removed from the same roof may be entered for competition.
3. Shingles must be sawn, at least 4 inches wide and have two parallel edges; they may be Redwood or Red Cedar.
4. They ihall be accompanied by a brief statement giving location, description and ownership of building from which removed together with such other authentic information ag can be supplied to prove years of service. If judges so elect affidavit covering such facts to be later supplied.
5. Length of continuous service and present state of preservation together with definite data concerning same will be the deciding factors.
6. Statements concerning exhibits should be enelosed with same and be in Committee's hands not later than June lat, 1923, on which date contegt closes.
100% Stained lllachine Shingles
Folks, we are sure going "over the top" on this stained shingle game. The California dealers are manifesting their interest in most substantial ways.
We represent the two big 100% shingle staining concerns in the Northwest, selling their stock exclusively in California.
They are: The Pacific Timber Co., Everett, Wash., manufacturers of the famous "Bear Brand" shingles, and the Williams Stained Shingle Co., Inc., of Vancouver, Wash., who ship the well known "Color Thatch."