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All Inquiries Do not Result in Sales But Most Sales Do Result From Following Up Inquiries.
les to the plant and have them stained any way or color they desire, for so much a thousand. In this way the dealers do not have to carry stocks of stained sh,ingles, but have them stained in any quantity and at any time. None of these plants that we have heard of so far use machines, but simply dipping vats. They put their claims in dealer service, redu,ced inr-estment, insurance, etc.
These are the characters of shingle staining operations that have come to our notice. One eastern and northern concern that has been in the game a long time gives a varied service. They will furnish the shingles for a roof, usimg the plans as a basis, and ship exactly the shingles needed, with detailed plans for fancy roofs, some of which are wonderful in beauty ancl character. They make many shapes and colors of roofs, specialize in variegated colored roofs, etc. This is expensive service, but the results are marvelous.
It seems that all dealers are interested in the matter of stained shingles, and most of thenr are wat'ching with thoughtful eye the developments that are being made.
For Homes and ^A,partment Houses
is a paying inoestment!
It takes but a small amount of lumber for baseboards, mouldings, door and window casings and this can be in genuine hardwood at a small expense, adding very greatly to the beauty and lasting value of the home.
A roorn can be cornpletely finished in the finest hardwoods, such as Mahogany, Koa, Quartered Oak, Walnut, Plain Oak or Gum with built-in buffet, bookcases, mantel or French doors, for only $50 lo $200 over the cost of Pine. This tneans a great deal to a good builder! Suggest it to your client.
The trademark imprinted on the back of each piece is a GUARANTEE of SATISFACTION from the manufacturers.