1 minute read
WhenVou SeeThis Sigr'
'Ihe redwood belt alon,g the cool and foggy but temperate coast from San Francisco to the Oregon line comprises, according to government estimates, some 1,360,000 acres. On 900,000 of these acres, the forests are untouched by the ax of man. The inroads of the lumbermdn .are far from being as extensive as certain sentim,e,ntalists have charged. But the forests of the eastern and middle western states are failing fast and no longer supply home needs. California lumber is shipped to the Orient, South America and to other corners of the world. Thus there is a likelihood of a concerted demand by all countries on the wooded resources of the Pacific states.
But the California Redwood Association and all official and unofficial agencies interested in forestry are uniting rvith a view to stopping wastage and wanton destruction in order to preserve one of the world's greatest and n,oblest natural assets.