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Downtown Building Stores
We have reports of two retail lumber firms that have recently started downtown building stores, in connection with their retail yards.
'Ihe Landers Lumber Company, of El Paso, Texas, opened a downtown store in that city the first week in April, announcing it as a downtown sales and display roonr where the ladies could go building shopping. They report much interest manifested by the trade, and a very excellent line of business developing.
Carruthers & Sons Lumber Company, Memphis, Tennessee, opened a downtown building store on Monroe Street in Memphis during the last week in March. Mr. Carruthers reports that the business at the downtown store for the first month surpassed all their expectations, and doubled their business of the previous month at the yard alone.
Since the termination of the bowling tournament of the Lumbermen's Club of San Francisco, challenges have been flying thick and fast among the lumbermen representing the various retail lrrmber concerns in the Bay District. As a result two teams representing the Hart-Wood Lumber Co. and the Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co. clashed on the evening of April 5. The Hart-Wood team were victorious, winning two games out of three and'walked away with the prize. All th'e boys showed good f,orm but Wallace Boyer of the Van Arsdale-Harris had the highest average string of the evening with a score of 173. The Van Arsdale-Harris team was immediately challenged by a. team representing the Wm. Smith Lumber Co. and the retail lumbermen fraternity are now looking forward to another exciting evening in the near future.
We furnish Workmen's Compensation Insurance to lumber and woodworking manufacturers. Ours is a reciprocal association of mill men, doing business at cost only.
The leading mill operators of Texas and lzouisiana created this organization. It affords full protection under the California laws. Concerning our standing and reliability ASK THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT
Inquiries Cordially Solicited LUIIBERMEN'S