1 minute read

IIereb tlr U,S. Gouernment Conpannn ofEastern Wtite Prne nnd, Gaitfornia SugarPinex

"There is very little difference between California Sugar Pine and Eastern White Pine in hardness. In fact both species are classified as moderately soft in our "Standard Terms for Describing Wood." The specific gravity of the two species, based on oven-dry weight and volurne, is identically the same, our average results showing0.39."

U. S. Forest Products Laboratory

OULD you want better proofthat California Sugar Pine is the best lumber for the purposes to which Eastern White Pine was formerly used? It has the same smooth even texture of the good old "corky" logs.

Its ease of working, combined with the non-shrinking, nonwarping qualities make California Sugar Pine an ideal lumber for sash and doors, millwork, patterns, etc.

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